How To Stop WorryingSýnishorn

How To Stop Worrying

DAY 4 OF 4

God Can Deliver

Some people think it’s irresponsible not to worry, like you’re hiding your head in the sand. But no. Casting your cares and worries onto God is turning them over and actively believing Him! It’s a faith exercise.

Some people feel like casting their cares on God is like checking your luggage. When I fly, I go to the counter and cast the care of my luggage over to the airlines. But of course there’s always a chance that it might not arrive at my destination with me! So when I cast the care of my luggage onto the airlines, I’m not always sure it will arrive, because I don’t actually believe that the airlines cares about my luggage the way I do. 

But if I knew they cared, I wouldn’t worry. Of course, even airline employees who care are imperfect and luggage gets lost. But with God, I can have full assurance that not only does He care, but He can also deliver.

When you bathe your spirit in God’s Word and come to a working knowledge of His care and personal concern for you, you can safely cast your worries and cares onto Him, knowing He’ll take care of them. You can believe more what God says than what the worry says.

Don’t wait another minute. Cast your cares on God and stop worrying. Be very purposeful. Start by writing down your worries. That will help you in several ways:

First, it’ll help you see that there are not as many as you thought. When worries are left unhindered to roam around in your mind, they grow. It starts to seem like everything is wrong, when it’s not. Writing them down puts a limit on them.

Second, find what the Bible says about each worry. Line up God’s Word next to your cares, and let it take dominion.

Third, pray this: “Father God, I’m going to obey Your Word and cast my cares onto You. I trust You. I refuse to worry anymore! I’ll keep my eyes on Your Word and stay in faith. My problems aren’t stuck to me anymore, they’re stuck to You! I know You care for me and are taking care of my problems. I listen to Your voice, I’ll do what You say and from now on I’ll live a life that’s free from worry! Amen.”

Did this plan help you? It’s adapted from my book “Why God Why: What To Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense.” You can read the first part and/or order your own copy by clicking here. 


Dag 3

About this Plan

How To Stop Worrying

These days it’s easy to worry, isn’t it? There’s so much to worry about! But God says over and over in the Bible that He doesn’t want you to worry – He wants you to cast every worry onto Him and trust Him to fix it. He doesn’t just suggest that you stop worrying – He commands it! Here are 4 lessons that can help you stop worrying for good.
