Pray Your Way Through UncertaintySýnishorn

Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty

DAY 5 OF 5

“Yeah, right!”

That’s often my inner reaction when someone casually glances at my situation and glibly tells me that it’s all going to work out.

It’s a cynical response. Maybe birthed out of hoping—and having hope crushed. Or, dreaming—and having dreams deferred. Or praying—and having prayers unanswered.

Maybe you’ve been there too. Where uncertainty about the future has given way to cynicism and where hope has dwindled into skepticism.

In Scripture, we meet with Sarah, Abraham’s wife.

Her husband had been given a promise that he would be the father of nations. But after decades of hopes being dashed, Sarah was cynical. 

Perhaps, initially, she had been uncertain about the details—when would this promised child be born? How would it happen? Would she and Abraham have the energy to take care of a newborn?

Maybe those were the questions that raced through her mind. But as months gave way to years and years to decades, Sarah’s uncertainty seems to have morphed into cynicism.

When a group of three men (angels from God) visit Abraham and tell him that he will be a dad in the span of a year, the eavesdropping Sarah laughs (Genesis 18: 12). It’s not a joyful laugh. But a laugh that’s disbelieving. A “yeah, right” reaction.

But God, in His mercy, fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah. 

Genesis 21: 1 reveals God’s faithfulness and kindness as it says: “Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.”

Sarah’s cynicism turns to bubbling-over joy at the birth of her son, Isaac. And she says: “God has brought me laughter…” (Genesis 21: 6).

This time her laughter didn’t stem from doubting—but from seeing the goodness of God in her life. 

God can take the uncertain situations, the problems that have no solutions, the disbelief,  the anxiety, even the cynicism, and He can turn every situation for our good and His glory. 

Let’s pray:

Father God, You are the One who specializes in making the impossible, possible. Father, even as I face an uncertain situation, while I have more questions than answers, while I tend to be cynical and disbelieving sometimes, Father, would you help me put my trust in a faithful God who always keeps His Word? When a deluge of uncertainty and doubt threaten to sweep over me, may I look up to the One who holds the waters in the hollow of His hand, who rebukes the waves, who tells waves how far they can go. Thank You for being a perfectly faithful, magnificently powerful, infinitely wise, all-knowing, always-loving God. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Dag 4

About this Plan

Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty

What if…? That’s just one of the questions we ask ourselves as we face unknown tomorrows. Uncertainty about the future can cause us to live with anxiety. But what if we could pray our way through the questions? Instead of giving traction to fear, what if we learned to trust our faithful God?
