Biblical Leadership: How to Pray, What to Pray ForSýnishorn

Biblical Leadership: How to Pray, What to Pray For

DAY 8 OF 8

A Fine Place to Start: The Lord’s Prayer

In these readings, we have tried to provide structure and motivation to help with your prayers. To be sure, the insights given are only a starting point; many books have been written on the subject of prayer, and so these readings are but an introduction.

Even so, it may be difficult to (re)start your prayer life. Therefore, in this last reading we turn to the prayer that Jesus taught his leadership team, and us today as well: The Lord’s Prayer as found in Matthew 6:9-13.

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name”

Jesus stars with adoration, declaring that God is in heaven; that He is so holy even His name is hallowed. There is no other being, person or entity even close to the majesty of God. Starting with the right perspective is most important. 

Whether you pray these exact words or others, the first action is to recognize who God is – and what you are not. As you pray, reflect on each characteristic that comes to your mind for God, and then compare it to yourself. With each comparison, praise God for who He is, and thank Him that He has made you in His image – to glorify Him!

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Next, Jesus prays for God’s Kingdom to come, not for any earthly success other than fulfilling God’s will. Jesus doesn’t pray for his ministry or yours. It’s not about your ministry or leadership, but only about God’s will and His Kingdom. 

As you pray, remind yourself of what God’s Kingdom might look like. Pray that God use your leadership gifts and opportunities to bring mercy & justice in accord with His will.

“Give us today our daily bread.”

Jesus recognizes the need for daily food, but teaches much more with this simple phrase. The things most often taken for granted – food, water & health – are all you really need. Contrast that to what is most often desired – success, reward, recognition – and reflect on how those things lead away from God.

Then remember that Jesus is your daily bread. Reflect on how becoming more Christ-like will help others see Christ in you as you lead.

“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Jesus taught that forgiveness of sins is available to you ONLY IF you also forgive others when they sin against you (Matthew 6:14-15). Have others “sinned” against you? Maybe those you lead, your management, or others. 

Don’t under-estimate the effort required nor the power of forgiveness; doing so significantly enhances your leadership ability. Pray for insights on where forgiveness is due, then follow-up with tangible action. The rewards will be intangible but great! 

“Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Staying away from evil is a blessing from God, and a result of your choices. Leadership provides ready access to both temptation and evil, and the devil knows it.

You should know that resisting temptation and avoiding evil is not a solo sport even for the best of leaders. Temptation and evil are at the very center of all spiritual warfare – God’s help is mandatory, so be sure to pray for that!

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As we close, commit the Lord’s Prayer to memory. Then, next time you lie awake at night, pray through the Lord’s Prayer, or reflect on just one stanza, and praise God for His goodness!


Reflection / Application

  1. If you haven’t already done so, commit the Lord’s Prayer to memory. Write it down and leave it where you will see it.
  2. Which of the 5 stanzas of the Lord’s Prayer gives you most joy? Which feels like the most work?
  3. Next time you lie awake in bed, repeat the Lord’s Prayer to yourself, over and over until you fall back to sleep. Meditate on any sections that speak to you. Don’t worry if you don’t finish or if you lose your place – just enjoy God’s presence as you pray!
Dag 7

About this Plan

Biblical Leadership: How to Pray, What to Pray For

Christian leaders have a special tool in their box of leadership resources called PRAYER. In these readings, we show you how to pray as a leader, provide a 4-part structure to effective prayer, and give specific insights on what to pray for and when to pray. Whether you pray regularly or hardly pray at all, these readings will help you unlock the power of prayer for your leadership.
