From Passover to PentecostSýnishorn

From Passover to Pentecost

DAY 5 OF 5

Meditate on God’s Beauty

One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. —Psalm 27:4

The purest form of beauty is found in the Lord. He is true, perfect, and righteous. In Him is beauty in motion—living, moving, active beauty that is undefiled by the twisted darkness of this world. I love to just sit before Him and pray: “Open my eyes, O Lord, to see the pure essence of Your creation. Allow me to perceive the overflowing and exploding beauty that surrounds me.”

Our Father created this earth and set it in continuous motion. It perpetually changes, with newness of life constantly bubbling up from within it. The Holy Spirit woos us to see creation through His heavenly eyes and not merely with the eyes of our flesh. It’s the difference between seeing and operating out of the impulses of the flesh and walking in the presence of God as His Spirit reveals deep, beautiful truths. It’s like suddenly going from seeing only black and white to experiencing color!

Oh, the depths and the riches of the beauty that surrounds us and begs to be experienced in fellowship with the great I am. In union with His heart and Spirit, we can know the incredible explosion of eternal beauty that takes place when a sin-tainted broken heart is cleansed and forever transformed by God’s love. Even in death we can say, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55). When death is swallowed up by the blood of Jesus, what’s left is birth into greater, divine, eternal life. Father sees a seed falling lifelessly to the ground as the birth of a new tree, and the leaves that appear dead in the winter burst forth into a magnificent array of color and life in the spring.

I pray that the Lord opens our eyes to see His light beaming brilliantly into this world today, bringing new life and hope. May we witness what Satan meant for evil being turned around for goodness and our weaknesses being transformed to reveal God’s glory.

Beloved, fellowship with your Father today so that you taste and see His goodness. The earth is filled with the beauty and glory of the Lord, and He wants you to see and experience it with Him!

Dag 4

About this Plan

From Passover to Pentecost

From Passover to Pentecost is a five-day journey specifically designed to prepare you for a fresh and deep experience with the Holy Spirit. Cynthia shares that the Bible tells us that as we wait upon the LORD from Passover to Pentecost, preparing our hearts by giving Him our love and devotion, we too can receive a fresh revelation through the ever-present living Spirit of God!
