Worship Changes EverythingSýnishorn

Worship Changes Everything

DAY 4 OF 12

My Words & Thoughts

David’s prayer in Psalm 19:14 is so perfect and such a lesson for us: My words and thoughts in every walk of life can express worship for God. Words of hope, love, optimism, encouragement, and truth are such an important aspect of my obedient worship to the God who is all worthy, that they literally have the power to transform my life and the lives of others. We shouldn’t be surprised. Worship changes everything.

Are you worshiping God with your words? Are you experiencing His transforming power? No one teaches on the power of words better than my dear friend Joyce Meyer. Listen to what she has to say:

‘I am sure you have heard someone say, “You are going to eat those words.” It may sound like a mere phrase to us, but in reality we do eat our words. What we say not only affects others, but it also affects us. Words are wonderful when used in a correct way. They can encourage, edify and give confidence to the hearer. A right word spoken at the right time can actually be life-changing…’

We can literally increase our own joy by speaking right words. We can also upset ourselves by talking unnecessarily about our problems, our insecurities or things that have hurt us in relationships.

The words that come out of our mouth go into our own ears as well as other people’s, and then they drop down into our soul, where they bring us life or death, peace or upset, depending on the types of words we have spoken. God desires that our spirit be light and free so it can function properly, not heavy and oppressed.

When we understand the power of words and realize that we can choose what we think and speak, our lives can be transformed... We can learn to choose our thoughts, to resist wrong ones and think on good, healthy, and right ones. I have often said, “Where the mind goes, the man follows.” And it could also be said that where the mind goes, the mouth follows!

Think about that last sentence carefully. Do you really believe that the words you say can change your life? I do. Because words of blessing and truth are one of the ways we worship our God and honor the others in our world. 

My words tell others—and myself—what I believe about God. They tell others what I believe about my-self and my life. They reveal my attitude. I want my words to show true worship—exalting the Mighty One—whether I am in front of a thousand leading worship or talking softly to my kids at bedtime or on the phone with a customer service rep who is not understanding my request. I want my words to be aligned with God’s truth.

Take some time today to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the ways you speak and think that are detrimental to yourself and others.. today is a new day.. a new beginning. 
Philippians 4:8-9 (ESV) Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. 

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Worship Changes Everything

These daily devotionals are an invitation to praise and honor God in every area of life. Darlene Zschech has spent her life thinking and teaching about what worship truly is and how it should invade every facet of our being. It's all about living in His presence, aware of the Lord by our side and at work in our lives. Learn to live a life of worship. You will be amazed by the purpose and freedom it will bring.
