Breaking Busy: Find Peace & Purpose in the CrazySýnishorn

Breaking Busy: Find Peace & Purpose in the Crazy

DAY 2 OF 5

Each of us is called to do something great in this world. Let the implications of that sink in for a minute. The Creator of the universe has a plan for your life. The very God who spoke the world into motion created you for a purpose. Psalm 139:13-16 says, 

“For you created my inmost being;

   you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

   your works are wonderful,

   I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you

   when I was made in the secret place,

   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;

   all the days ordained for me were written in your book

   before one of them came to be.”

He created us, you and me, with a beginning - a beautiful, handcrafted, laden-with-purpose beginning. And He has ordained an ending for us: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” This verse alludes to the fact that He also has a middle planned for each of us.

This middle is just as thought out and planned out as our beginning and our end. The purpose of our days and the passion planted within us leads us to the calling that we are to live out in the middle. 

God has set our feet on a path that leads to where and how we can live out our calling.

We often make ourselves very busy because we are searching for our calling. But when we slow down and choose to be busy only when what we are doing is our God-given purpose, we can see where God is leading us. 

I want it to comfort you that you do not have to strive endlessly to be good enough or to work hard enough or to find God’s plan for your life. If you stay focused on God, you will not miss your destiny. 

I have learned that God plants gifts in us and provides opportunities throughout our lives to fulfill our life’s purpose. As we start breaking busy in our lives, our purpose begins to shine brightly and clearly. When we stop saying yes to everything and start asking God to direct each of our steps, we begin to find our passion and our purpose in life.

Finding your passions that lead to your purpose may feel difficult at times, but remember this: God’s not keeping it a secret from you. He’s waiting for you to stop striving and set everything aside that keeps you busy and distracted, then turn your attention to Him. In a living, daily relationship, He can then show you places you should go, people to whom you should listen, talents you should nourish, opportunities you should pursue, and passions and gifts he wants you to develop. 


Lord, help me to stop striving to find my calling and rest in the fact that you’ve ordained all of my days. Reveal your purpose for me and give me the courage to walk in it when the time is right. Amen. 

Action Step: Identify a passion you would like to pursue or a gift you would like to develop, praying to God for his guidance.

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About this Plan

Breaking Busy: Find Peace & Purpose in the Crazy

Don’t just find happiness; find your purpose. In this 5-day plan from Alli Worthington’s book, Breaking Busy, you will learn how to stop chasing what leaves you empty and start doing what you were created to do. Stop the constant struggle to balance it all and instead find peace and purpose in a world of crazy.
