Forward: 21 Days of Fasting and PrayerSýnishorn

Forward: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

DAY 15 OF 21


Our focus for our final week in our 21-Day journey is on Taking Ground, where we take bold steps forward and experience victory in the different areas of our lives.

Even when everything around us seems to come to a standstill, God’s desire is not that we shrink back or remain passive. Rather, God’s desire is that we continue to advance and move forward, taking new territory and stepping into the plans and purposes that He has for us in this season. God is constantly doing a new thing in our lives, and we need to recognise what He is doing, and submit wholeheartedly to His leading.

This week, allow God to reveal truths to you, change your perspective and position you to step forward!


Have you ever looked through a pair of sunglasses? Everything you see seems dull and muted, but in reality, things are not what they appear to be. When you take off your sunglasses, you will realise how bright and colourful your surroundings actually are. The truth is that there are things that can distort or limit our perspective. 

Don’t let your perspective dilute God’s promise. In Genesis 12, God promised to give Abram the land of Canaan and that his descendants would fill the land. There was only one problem - Abram and his wife Sarai were childless! In spite of the hopelessness that Abram felt, God’s promises had not changed! Just like Abram, our perspective can be shaped by our present limitations, causing us to doubt God’s promises. When we focus on our limitations, what we see in the natural begins to take the place of our faith in who God says He is. Instead of believing that God will fulfill all the promises that He has made, we begin to focus on all the reasons why God’s promise will not be fulfilled. But the truth is that God is a promise-keeper and He will never fail us! 

God can give us a new perspective! In the midst of our discouragement, God desires to give us a new perspective – one that is perfectly aligned with who He says He is and the promises that He has given to us. We need to step outside of our tents and look away from our current circumstances. When God gives us a new perspective, we receive a fresh faith to believe that God’s promises will come to pass.

Evaluate the areas which stop us from lifting up our faith. Hold on to God’s promises and look up towards His purposes. As we do so, faith begins to arise in our hearts and what looks impossible becomes a reality in our lives.


  • Allow God to examine if there are areas in your life (e.g. in your work, relationships, or ministry) where you need a new perspective. Be prepared to respond as He speaks.
  • We begin to see God’s greatness when we worship Him. Devote some time to worship God and allow Him to change your perspective!


Dear God, I choose to turn away from my limitations and circumstances and turn to You. I acknowledge that You are the Creator who can do all things. You are the Promise Keeper who never fails. Give me a new perspective of who You are in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dag 14Dag 16

About this Plan

Forward: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

God’s purposes do not change regardless of our circumstances. Instead, He empowers us to move forward in His plans, taking new ground in every area of our lives. This plan by Victory Family Centre Singapore will take you through 21 days of seeking God, launching you forward into His plans and purposes for you.
