Becoming a King: The Path to Restoring the Heart of a ManSýnishorn

Becoming a King
The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully consecrated to him. – Henry Varley
Though every generation faces unprecedented challenges, every generation, too, shares unprecedented opportunity to recover the path to life. Jesus promises that our Good Father is winsomely at work. As we respond to his radical invitation to travel together on this ancient path of becoming, we too can become the kind of kings who so trust and rely on the authority of our Brother that even his great heart is astonished. There is a place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need. Life is available; yet, like many great treasures, it is found in the least likely places.
The path is made available to all, but few choose it. It has always been so.
Yet those few, those happy few who say yes will recover a life that is truly life. By day and by decade, they will recover life for themselves and those under their care. And the world will find itself in good hands, as sons become students, students become warriors, and warriors become kings—the kind of good-hearted kings to whom God can entrust his kingdom.
The invitation is being made available. Nothing more is needed than a willing and open heart.
May we be among those happy few who give their deep and lasting yes.
Reflection Questions
- Have you become the kind of person to whom God can gladly entrust more of his kingdom? Where are you confident in this? What frontier is God opening for you to heal, mature, or take risks?
- Describe the man you would love to have become a decade from now?
- What is a specific next step you are willing to risk taking to consent to the slow and steady process of becoming that person?
Closing Prayer
Father, thank you that our story begins with you and ends in the restoration of all things.¹
We choose to trust that you love us with the same love you have for Jesus.²
Therefore we will not to give way to fear.³
We agree with who you are.
We agree with what you are doing.
We agree with how you are doing it.⁴
We ask for a revelation of your affection today.⁵
We ask that you would make the impossible possible.⁶
We put on the armor of God:
The belt of truth,
The breastplate of righteousness,
The shoes of the gospel,
The shield of faith,
The helmet of salvation,
The sword of the Spirit.
We choose to wield these weapons at all times in the Spirit.⁷
We accept your acceptance of us.⁸
We choose to live in the present moment.⁹
We ask for a wise and discerning heart.¹⁰
We unite our heart with your heart.¹¹
We choose to listen to your voice.¹²
We ask you to father us and mother us today.¹³
We ask that in all things in us and through us, your kingdom would come and your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven.¹⁴
We declare the truth that whatever I have and wherever I am, I can make it through the One who makes me who I am.¹⁵
¹ 2 Pet. 3:13, Rev. 21:5
² John 17:23
³ Ps. 27:14
⁴ Ex. 3:14
⁵ Eph. 3:19
⁶ Matt. 19:26
⁷ Eph. 6:13-18
⁸ Matt. 3:17
⁹ Matt. 6:33-34
¹⁰ 1 Kings 3:9-13
¹¹ John 17:21
¹² John 8:47
¹³ Rom. 8:15-17, Isa. 66:12-13
¹⁴ Matt. 6:10
¹⁵ Phil. 4:13
About this Plan

This reading plan by Morgan Snyder unabashedly speaks directly to men, teaching them the life-changing truth about the power that God intends for them to responsibly step into for His kingdom, while also giving women an honest peek behind the curtain into the lives and hearts of the men they know and love.