The Only Answer Is Prayer Sýnishorn

Clear Focus
Your Father in heaven does not want you to worry about food or clothing or money or other provision. You are His child. If you focus your attention on God’s Kingdom and make it your priority, everything else you need will be taken care of perfectly. You do not need to fill your prayers with concern about your needs, thereby neglecting to mention the matters of real importance.
Recognize that it is a ploy of the enemy to keep you focused on small things so you will forget about the big things when you pray. It is as if the enemy is trying to give you spiritual ADD (attention deficit disorder), distracting you with your financial struggles or your kids’ behavior or the haters on the internet. He is aware of your position in Christ, but he wants you to forget about it.
Another common misconception is that you are not good enough to stand before God in prayer. Whenever you find that you are afraid to pray because you feel unworthy, look to Jesus. God Himself will speak up for you and rebuke the accuser. He has chosen you.
You are not a misfit in the Kingdom, and you are not a stranger to God. It is vital to feel secure in your standing because knowing who you are will affect the way you pray. You do not need to introduce yourself to God or say, “God, it has been a long time since I have been here, and I know I should be praying more.” You are not a stranger but rather His beloved son or daughter.
You have been chosen. Of course, you are not perfect or spotless on your own, but you have been chosen. You might have messed up yesterday, but you are chosen. Jesus keeps cleansing you and covering you.
So what if you just fell again? Get back up on your feet and pray. You may live on the fallen earth, but you are a citizen of heaven at the same time. Remember, as soon as the words leave your mouth on earth, your prayers are audible in the heavenly council. God hears you, and He nods His head.
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About this Plan

You may not know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit does, and He is always ready to help you pray. When we call out to God, He hears and helps us. Prayer is never an interruption to God but an invitation to go deeper in communion with Him. You can connect with Him right now and discover the life-changing power of His presence with you through prayer.