Living Simply, Loving FullySýnishorn

Living Simply, Loving Fully

DAY 6 OF 6

Challenge #6: Let Christ be enough.We live in a world that tries to sell us all sorts of products and schemes that promise us happiness. The average person in 2020 is estimated to encounter between 6,000 and 10,000 ads a day, between TV, social media, radio, billboards, magazines and more. 

These ads promote skincare products that promise to prolong our youth and new cars that insist they will make our morning commute much smoother. But the longer we live, the more we learn that none of it truly satisfies. 

The reason? We were not made to be satisfied by these things.

In his book, Confessions, Augustine of Hippo summarizes this truth perfectly saying, “You have made us for Yourself, Oh Lord. Our heart is restless until it finds its rest in You.” 

In Jesus, we have everything we will ever need. We don’t need to chase material things or cheap thrills. We don’t need to follow our sinful desires into things that will harm us while looking for a high. In fact, we don’t even need to chase the things we consider good, but that are simply not God’s best for us. We have been set free from our fleshly desires. In Him alone, we find everything we are looking for. 

Dedicate a part of your day to asking God to reveal to you the ways you are looking for satisfaction in places other than Him. Be honest with Him about the things You are chasing to feel whole, and ask Him to take that place instead.


Jesus, in this world it’s so easy to be distracted and believe the lie that the world has what we need to feel whole. It’s easy to consume to fill a void. It’s tempting to collect and hoard out of fear. It’s habit to distract myself with technology to keep my mind away from the things I don’t want to think about. But the truth is, You have given me everything I need in You. I have lived and known it deep within me that my heart is unsatisfied until it finds its rest in You. Father, show me each day the sweetness of communing with You. Teach my heart to crave Your presence. When You call me to Yourself each day, may I listen and stay awhile. May Your presence and Your goodness always be enough. Amen.

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Dag 5

About this Plan

Living Simply, Loving Fully

It’s easy to get bogged down by distractions that take our attention away from what really matters. But as Christ-followers, we’re called to live quiet lives centered in love for God and our neighbors. This six-day plan includes a Daily Challenge to focus our hearts and minds to live simply and love fully in a world filled with distractions.
