The Nature Of The PropheticSýnishorn

The Nature Of The Prophetic

DAY 6 OF 10

Full of Mercy

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (James 3:17)

Mercy is God’s covenant towards us. The nature of mercy is Father’s unmerited compassion and kindness. Even when it was in His power to punish, He has shown us mercy. This mercy is undeserved; and having received it, He requires us to display the same nature towards others. 

Having mercy means that the prophetic should never be used as a platform for judgement or condemnation. Carrying the nature of the prophetic requires us to understand that we don’t necessarily have the full picture. We are not omniscient like God; we need God’s mercy in the prophetic because we are limited in our knowledge. What we might have seen in the Spirit is just a tiny thread in the tapestry of a person’s life. In the corporate, whatever we have discerned through revelation is only a small facet of that local church as a whole body.

Being merciful is to strengthen, encourage and comfort others. The prophetic mandate is that our words would make people stronger and more resilient in their spirits. We are called to strengthen the foundation of the church on His Word. Our focus should be to raise up rather than tear down. Our words should inspire, motivate, uplift, and build others up. The prophetic gift should bring life, not death. Let’s cheer on those who are developing in their expression of spiritual gifts. Let’s be Christ-followers who show support and compassion for others when they are weary, struggling or in need.

Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

The Nature Of The Prophetic

What does it mean to be prophetic? How do we recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit and communicate Him effectively to others? Take time aside to grow in wisdom, develop your spiritual gifts, and learn about the essential qualities you need to live a prophetic life. This 10-day devotional plan is based on James 3:17 from the book, The Nature of the Prophetic, by Sally McCracken.
