The Miracles of JesusSýnishorn

The Miracles of Jesus

DAY 5 OF 5

Jesus Walks on Water

This final miracle we’ll discuss occurred right after Jesus and His disciples fed the five thousand. Jesus instructed His disciples to get back into their boat and set out for Bethsaida. Meanwhile, Jesus sent the people home before He went up into the hills to pray. 

Later on that evening, Jesus saw the disciples’ boat in the middle of the lake and noticed that they appeared to be struggling with the winds and waves. Then Jesus did something unimaginable. Mark 6:48 NLT  says, “About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water.” The verse says that Jesus intended to pass them, but they screamed when they saw Him because they thought He was a ghost. 

Jesus spoke immediately by telling them not to be afraid, but instead, said to take courage because He was with them! Right after that, Peter called to Jesus and said, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water” (Matthew 14:28 NLT). Jesus obliged, and over the side of the boat Peter went. 

At first, things were going well for Peter as he was walking on water toward Jesus. But then he took his eyes off Jesus and eyed the huge waves instead. In that moment, he grew terrified that he was sinking, and he begged Jesus to save him. When Jesus reached down and grabbed Peter, he said, “You have so little faith...Why did you doubt me?” (Matthew 14:31 NLT). Then, Peter and Jesus climbed into the boat and the chaos around them settled. And the disciples proclaimed, “You really are the Son of God!” (Matthew 14:33 NLT). 

Today’s Takeaway: Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus
It’s amazing how we can be following Jesus so closely and paying attention to His words, and then, we slightly shift our glance to the troubles around us and immediately begin to sink. Ever been there? 

It’s been said that too often we glance at Jesus and gaze at our problems when we should be doing the exact opposite: gaze at Jesus and glance at our problems. It feels easier to focus on what’s wrong, doesn’t it? But fixing our eyes on Jesus will bring a calmness to our souls even when trouble looms around us. The question we all need to ask is, “Where are my eyes fixed?” 

As you finish this Plan on the miracles of Jesus, maybe you’re waiting for your own miracle. You’re not sure when your heart’s desire will be granted, when your healing will come, or when that relationship will be mended. 

Even in the midst of all of those unknowns, you can still rest in the truth from this Plan. We serve an abundant God who doesn’t define us with our doubts, is with us no matter what, calls us to give in faith, and desires that we fix our eyes on Him and Him alone.

Dag 4

About this Plan

The Miracles of Jesus

While Jesus walked on earth, He performed more miracles than we’ll know about. He healed the sick, brought people back to life, and did unimaginable acts that left onlookers speechless. In this Plan, we’ll learn about five miracles Jesus performed and the truths from them that we can apply to our lives.
