Change Your Words, Change Your MarriageSýnishorn

Do You Believe Your Marriage Can Be Restored?
You can live with your mate, see them the first thing every morning and share time in the evening, and be completely separated. You don't have to move out of your home to be disconnected. It seems effortless—that's part of the problem—to drift into a state of being emotionally void of any love, affirmation, or intimacy.
We've got it backwards if we believe marriage's purpose is happiness, a sense of euphoria, or sex beyond belief. Think again. The real truth is that God uses everything in our life to conform us into His image. He is about restoration, changing us into the likeness of Jesus. If you can get on this path, then all the promised blessings of marriage will start coming your way (Ecc. 3:1).
Marriage is a lifetime covenant between two people. Still, each one of you must take the step of faith to chase after oneness. You and I both know it is not easy to swallow your pride and choose not to be offended when offenses come (and they do come often in marriage). Marriage can be downright challenging. I like to say marriage works best when both people choose to die to self. However, if only one person is making that choice, there is hope (2 Cor. 4:12).
You can be the most influential person in your spouse's life. As you take control of the words that come out of your heart, you can change your marriage's climate. Here's where the real transformation will take place. The more you seek to understand them, the more you will be understood. Every time you show empathy, you set them free to do the same for you. You can change your marriage by being inviting and disarming with your words (Prov. 15:4).
Marriage is worth it. There is a splendorous mystery inside your spouse to be brought out in the open. You can bring this wonder out into your relationship with the help of the Holy Spirit. He desires to bring you and your spouse into perfect harmony.
If your marriage needs a good dose of the Holy Spirit's healing power, I recommend you take The Forty-Day Word Fast for Couples . As you fast words, a miraculous transformation will take place in your relationship.
About this Plan

God’s design for couples is to pursue oneness through speaking words of truth and kindness. This 10-day reading plan by Tim Cameron will help make clear the ramifications of complaining, criticism, judgments, gossip, and negative words on a marriage. Through fasting from negative words, you will discover a biblical way to change the atmosphere of your marriage.