Why We GatherSýnishorn

Why We Gather

DAY 2 OF 7

Preserving the Gospel, Preserving the Community  

Getting the story wrong can really cause strife in a relationship. You’ve seen it before. Be it good or bad, whenever something worth talking about gets passed on more than a few times, the details start to get fuzzy. It doesn’t take long for disagreements to form and breed discord. The solution, of course, should be fairly simple. Find a reliable source, figure out what really matters, and keep your facts straight. 

In Ephesus, a handful of people with the wrong story got their church into a big mess. In 1 Timothy, Paul writes a letter to his student, Timothy, with instructions to bring correction to the “strange doctrines (1 Tim 1:3; NASB)” and unacceptable behaviors arising within the church of Ephesus. Badly educated and uniformed leaders had risen to influential positions in Ephesus and had consequently spread dissension among the members. According to Paul, the division these leaders had caused was proof of their poor teaching, as true teaching should result in “love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith (1 Tim 1:5; NASB).”

Paul’s priority for Ephesus was to restore peace within the church through the reestablishment of quality leadership and teaching of the true Gospel of Jesus. Paul encourages Timothy and the Ephesians to be “constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine (1 Tim 4:6; NASB),” and to “give attention to the public reading of scripture, to exhortation and teaching (1 Tim 4:13; NASB).”

Paul understood that improper teaching within the church was a result of getting the story of Jesus wrong. The details of the teachings were being distorted, the story was changing, and the result was a church in discord. This is why it remains important for the Church of Jesus to continue gathering to publicly read scripture and be constantly nourished on the words of faith and sound doctrine. We are united in Jesus and our community is preserved by the consistency and integrity of our faith in his true Gospel. 

For all that could be said of the Gospel and his own personal transformation in Christ, Paul’s own summary in 1 Timothy is sweet and simple. He writes, “and the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life (1 Tim 1:14-16; NASB).”

As we continue to gather, let’s be committed to upholding and preserving the true Gospel. Let’s come together, read it, and be nourished by it as we endeavor to see its power draw the whole world into this community of Christ. 


Visit Luke 4:16-20. The words “good news” located here are the same as the word “gospel.” According to Jesus, what is the true Gospel? 

In what ways have you seen the true Gospel taught effectively? In what ways have you seen the Gospel distorted or ineffectively taught? How would you like to receive more Gospel teaching in your life?

Describe your experience with being nourished by the words of the faith. How do we achieve the constant nourishment Paul writes about?

Do you think there is value in gathering to publicly study and read scripture? Is it necessary to gather? If not, how do we avoid the pitfalls that the Ephesians experienced? 


Take a moment to write down the essential elements of the true Gospel. Discuss it with a friend. What was common? What was different? Keep the conversation going until you’re confident you have the most important parts. 

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About this Plan

Why We Gather

When you do anything long enough, you might find that you've forgotten the reason you started in the first place. Unfortunately, we're susceptible to taking even the most important things in our lives for granted. Your Christian community shouldn't become one of those things. Here's why...
