In creation we see a myriad of word pictures that God uses to demonstrate His character, biblical truths, and miraculous ways. Jesus often used nature to illustrate His divine teachings. The following insect story allegorizes the essence of HEART.
Imagine yourself as a child discovering a fuzzy caterpillar. Excitedly you pick it up and put it in a vented jar that is filled with sticks and leaves. You are fascinated as you watch its body inch along investigating the new habitat.
One morning you notice the caterpillar motionless on a stick. Pausing, you see thin cream-colored threads criss crossing and surrounding its body. You wonder what is happening? After several days, your curiosity turns into despair as you fear the caterpillar is dead. Then a small hole on the surface of its silk-like cocoon catches your eye. As you watch closely, you see something unlike the caterpillar is struggling to break free.
After what seems like forever, the unexpected happens—out emerges a beautiful and colorful butterfly! Carefully you unscrew the lid and watch it take flight.
You are stunned and wonder, how did that happen? Sitting in biology class years later you understand—that magical transfiguration was a metamorphosis.
This process is the inspiration for the HEART theme—God’s Word Transforms Hearts. The word transform means to change in form, appearance, or structure—metamorphose. “Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has passed away. A new way of living has come into existence” (II Corinthians 5:17, God’s Word Translation).
As you read, ponder, and follow God’s Word, amazing changes will begin to transpire deep within your heart. These alterations parallel the mysterious reconstruction that takes place inside a cocoon as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. These modifications from within will be manifested in your daily living, creating a newness you never dreamed possible. You are a new creation!
For HEART, the same passage of Scripture is read for five days. Each day poses a new set of questions. The repeated reading of and searching through the Scripture allows the Holy Spirit to reveal deeper meaning and insight into the passage.
Consider these questions as you read the Scripture. Pray for understanding.
• How are you encouraged?
• How do these verses build your confidence in God?
• What benefit or comfort does God offer?
• What would it be like if you allowed God to help?
About this Plan
As you read, ponder, and follow God’s Word, amazing changes will begin to transpire deep within your heart. These alterations parallel the mysterious reconstruction that takes place inside a cocoon as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. The modifications from within will be manifested in your daily living, creating a newness you never dreamed possible. You are a new creation!