What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?Sýnishorn

What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?

DAY 9 OF 9

The Table Isn’t What You Think “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Growing up I always thought, if only Jesus would just show up in my room and take away all my doubts, fears, and questions, then everything would be ok. In fact there were years I’d cry out to Him to do that very thing. If only He could give me all the facts, then I wouldn’t doubt anymore, I wouldn’t hurt anymore, and I wouldn’t feel alone. But what’s crazy is that exact thing happened to two disciples, right after Jesus died, and surprisingly nothing happened. They were bummed because to them they just wasted the last three years of their life after they saw Jesus die on the cross. But Jesus shows up to them and actually shows them how it was supposed to happen the whole time. He basically becomes their Bible study partner, going page by page through the Bible, and yet nothing happens. You think they would faint, have the heavens open up or something, because God Himself is opening the Bible and teaching them. But nothing happens. But later that day, they ask Jesus to stay for a meal, and He sits down breaks the bread and it says in an instant, “their eyes were opened.” It didn’t happen when they got all the facts, it happened when they sat with Jesus. The first has to do with the answers, the second has to do with intimacy. With relationship. With love. Do you just want the right answers from Jesus or do you want to sit at the table with Jesus?


Dag 8

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What If Christianity Isn't What You Think?

What if there is more to Jesus than you ever imagined? Christianity is about so much more than going to heaven when you die, and Jesus wants to meet us in the here and now, which means this life matters. Follow along on this 9 day journey through scripture to see Jesus for who He truly is and what He came to do.
