Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15Sýnishorn

Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15

DAY 6 OF 6

Think About It

In one moment, Jesus had thousands of followers. Crowds overwhelmed towns and occupied fields to hear Him teach. Then the next moment, Jesus was left deserted with only His twelve disciples left. Some shouted, “Hosanna” and wanted to make Jesus king, while another crowd cried, “Crucify Him!” Jesus knew what was coming and warned the disciples of the harsh reality that the world wouldn’t give them a pass. The world hated Jesus and the world would hate His disciples just as much.

Hate has a way of making us act in ways we regret. We might explode in anger. We might stuff the feelings and ignore it. We might fall into sadness. Jesus calls the disciples and all of us to not be surprised by hate in the world. Don’t take hate personally, because they hated Jesus without reason. Jesus prepares us so we won’t react differently from how Jesus reacted. 

Jesus’ message has always been about reacting with love and grace. Jesus wants all of us to know the landscape of the world will be full of hate but our strategy is still love. Instead of meeting hate with more hate or anger or bitterness we meet hate with love. 

Live It Out

  • Think about your typical reaction to something you don’t like. Consider how Jesus reacted to His accusers. How can you change your reaction to align with Jesus?
  • Repent of times you’ve acted out of hate toward others. Ask Jesus to help you not be a wall that divides others from knowing His love.
  • Every time someone upsets you, write them an encouraging note. React with love instead of hate.

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Dag 5

About this Plan

Be the Branch: A Guide Through John 15

As Jesus considered His last remaining moments with His disciples before His crucifixion, He made sure they knew everything that was most important for the uncertain future they were walking into. In John 15, Jesus reminded His disciples that they were created for connection—with God and one another. For them to thrive after His death, they were going to need to learn to "be the branch."
