Surrender: Giving God 100%Sýnishorn

Surrender: Giving God 100%

DAY 4 OF 4

Giving God Your Treasure


“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” – Matthew 6:21 


What is it that you truly value? What’s important to you? Is it your athletic ability? Your home? Your security? The things we focus on show what is important to us. It pours out of our hearts and gives us the boost we need to thrive throughout our day. When the things that mean the most to us drive our life’s work, things often don’t feel like work at all. 

You may value your team, the people you play with, or the opportunities to travel to different places to play games. You may value your abilities, your coach, or even the recruitment process. But what if we dig a little deeper and look at the things Jesus valued? Could we learn to take some of those values back to our own lives?

Jesus Valued God

Above everything, Jesus the Son valued the love and will of the Father. When He was baptized, the voice of God the Father was heard by all that Jesus was His beloved Son. Jesus lived out of this truth and was confident in this identity.

Jesus Valued People

People were a priority. Jesus always took time to pay attention to good friends and strangers alike. He loved wholeheartedly and spoke truth, calling for repentance and faith. His hands reached out to touch those deemed unclean, and He ate meals with those with “ill-repute.” Jesus broke down barriers because He had a heart for people.

Jesus Valued Community

From the disciples and inner circle that traveled with Jesus throughout His ministry, to the outsiders who called out to Him to help and heal, Jesus was never far from clusters of community. He recognized the importance of staying connected and knew how we need one another for further growth, commitment, and care.

How about you? Do you value God above everything else? Do you care for people with a soft and open heart? Do you actively seek out others to do life with? When we shift our focus to value what is eternal, everything else falls into alignment. Today, surrender your heart completely to God and His people. It’s worth it.


1. Who are the people you feel most comfortable with?

2. Who can you invite into your community?

3. Have your small group or friends circle memorize a passage of scripture together. 


Luke 12:33; Hebrews 10:24-25; Galatians 6:2


Father God, Your Kingdom is a treasure which I should pursue at all costs. Your righteousness is a treasure; help me to hold to it and protect my relationship with You. I want to reach this world for Your glory and I ask that You enable me to be Your hands and feet. Amen.


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About this Plan

Surrender: Giving God 100%

This four-day reading plan examines how surrendering 100 percent of our time, talent, and treasure to God can make us even better competitors who succeed both on and off the athletic field or court.
