The Grace GiverSýnishorn

The Grace Giver

DAY 3 OF 7

Day Three: Power and Passion

Much like us, Peter probably looked forward to the fall of his enemies and victory for those who served the Lord. It’s no wonder that Jesus’s teachings about loving your enemy, turning the other cheek, and forgiving 70 times seven were baffling to the disciples. What an upside down Kingdom!

Over time, Peter saw Jesus forgive sins, heal the sick, raise the dead, and even give the disciples power to do the same! Beyond the 12, Jesus sent out 72 disciples with authority to perform miracles, and they returned saying, Wow, this actually works! Rumors spread quickly about Jesus and His followers. Even King Herod heard and wanted to see these ordinary men who were making such a stir.

The more he witnessed, the more Peter believed and became bold in his faith. He confessed that Jesus was the Son of God, but even so, he misunderstood the true nature of God’s Kingdom. He viewed its power, as we often do, as a means to make ourselves greater rather than a life of surrender to God and service to others. 

  • When Jesus tried to wash his feet, Peter told Him that he could not do it, as though it was below Jesus to do so.
  • When he saw Jesus’s transfiguration on the mountain with Moses and Elijah, he asked to put up shelters for them, forgetting that they were in a spiritual realm, a secret place.
  • He wanted to walk to Jesus on water, but as soon as he stepped out and saw the waves, he was overcome with fear.
  • When Jesus told the disciples that He must suffer and die, Peter responded that this should never happen to Jesus because he did not have that kind of future in mind for the Messiah.
  • At the time of Jesus’s arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter,  in anger, cut the ear off of a guard.
  • He told Jesus that he would never deny him, even if it meant his own death, but under the scrutiny of a servant girl, he denied Jesus during His darkest hour. 

But like a diamond refined by fire, Peter’s boldness and passion would be refined for God’s good purposes. 

Reflection: What experiences in your own life have caused your faith in God to grow more bold and sincere?

Prayer: “Lord, when I am feeling timid, help me to be bold. When I am feeling apathetic, help me to be passionate. Increase my faith as I share the love of your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

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About this Plan

The Grace Giver

Peter wants to prove his devotion. So how is it that he denies Jesus in His darkest hour? In partnership with LUMO and OneHope, and based on a sermon by Pastor Tyler Staton of Oaks Church Brooklyn, this 7-day study explores how only the grace offered through Jesus can truly transform us.
