It’s Time to Move! Sýnishorn

It’s Time to Move!

DAY 5 OF 5


Last time, we read the end of Naomi’s story. But Joseph’s story isn’t over yet. After facing adversity and setback, Joseph rises to the highest rank in all Egypt. His setbacks became preparation for even greater trials to come. His new perspective frees him to see the world through a new lens when he encounters unexpected visitors.

Joseph’s ten brothers come to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. Joseph recognizes them, but he doesn’t know if they’ve changed over all these years. Joseph decides to test them.

In the Bible, a test is used by God or others, not to validate our worth but to test the true nature of our character and the intentions of our heart. In a sense, Joseph tests his brothers like God tested him—to see whether their emotions toward him had defined their identities or whether they could change, too.

As the drama plays out, Joseph sees that his brothers will lay down their lives rather than bring more grief to their father. Joseph finally reveals his identity to them. He tells his brothers to not let anger and distress overtake them. Although they had plotted to take his life, God had raised up Joseph instead. 

Joseph testifies that all along, what the enemy had intended for evil, God intended for good; the saving of many lives. Once he was able to see God’s revealed purpose and intention through the lens of his own pain, he was able to recognize that God had raised him up to be a deliverer for his brothers.

The same is true for us. Once God frees us from false identities, liberating us to consider the possibilities of a divine plan, we become empowered to pursue our destiny—a destiny we would have never attained if we were unmoved in our opinions. We are then equipped by God to help others do the same. The apostle Paul writes, “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free” (Galatians 5:1).

If God has given you victory over your past today and your pain through His promise, then it’s time to turn around, reach out, and help someone else along. It’s time to move.

Scripture: Genesis 45

Scripture: Genesis 50

Discussion question: Who in your life needs to hear this word? Write down their name and encourage them today!

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