COMFORT - 19Sýnishorn


DAY 4 OF 10

Day Two

Is worry a sin? Have you ever felt so knocked down that you could not stand back up? I remember a difficult time in my life when all I wanted to do was sleep. If I could just close my eyes long enough, everything would disappear. When I awoke, I realized the problems remained. While sleep is good for our bodies, it is not the best coping mechanism for anguish. Attempting to bury problems under our pillows only represses our hurt.

So, what do we do? Release the pain. 

As we see in the life of David, he too, felt knocked down and afraid. Why would such a faithful man of God live with so much worry? Isn’t David sinning by worrying or being in fear? Doesn’t he believe in God? Why would God put this here in the Bible?

Honestly, God put the story of David in the Bible, revealing all his troubles, weaknesses, and challenges of faith, because David is just like us. Although our circumstances and situations might be different, we still share common issues- simply because we are human. 

Worry and fear are human emotions so, of course, we recognize those feelings in David's life as well.  When we are struggling with worry and fear, we tend to make desperate or bad choices that can lead us into sin.  

In Matthew 6:25 and other verses, we hear Jesus telling us “do not worry”.  We need to recognize that Jesus never said that we will not experience worry, or that it is a sin. Jesus wants us to turn-over our emotions of worry and fear to Him. Instead of acting on our own impulses, we should redirect our emotions.  We have to begin thinking and acting based on our knowledge of the power and love of God.  But, how do we do this?

The Bible serves as the perfect handbook for us.  Look at David’s response to dealing with his pain in Psalm 28:7.  David says: “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him."

Instead of repressing his pain, David releases it to God – even in his weakness!  In fact, David relies on God saying, “The LORD is my strength.” The Lord God Almighty, the God of all creation is our shield. Think about that. If the Creator is your shield from everything, where should the emotions of worry and fear be now?

This is why in verse 7 David says he can “greatly rejoice” to Him in song.

As we rejoice in God, He gives us His peace! It’s the same kind of peace we see in Mark 4:35-41:  In the midst of a storm at sea, the disciples are fearful.  Jesus is there with them in the storm, but He is actually sleeping on a cushion at the bottom of the stern of the boat.  In this situation, Jesus is modeling that true strength and perfect peace that only comes from the LORD.

Psalm 29:11 tells us: “The LORD gives strength to His people; the LORD blesses His people with peace.” How can we deny such peace? How can we not see God for who He really is? 

So, yes, we encounter trouble, worry, and fear. When we go through the human feelings of anguish, frustration, and pain, we are to lift our voices to God in prayer. We should wait expectantly, knowing that we will see the glory of God.  Our God glorifies Himself through our reality, allowing us to experience peace.  A perfect peace that only God can give in each moment. “Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and breakers have swept over me.” - Psalm 42:7

Meditate on His faithful waters of comfort and how they never run dry nor cease. He relieves your weariness and strengthens your spirit.  Watch what He will do as you return to daily life. Keep this powerful truth in your heart, so that no matter what the day or night brings, His song is always on your lips. Let His sweet waves of mercy wash over you!


How do you feel about asking for help? Whether you feel good or bad about a situation,  you want to be comfortable in voicing your prayers to God.

It is nearly impossible to avoid dealing with stress since we regularly face hard decisions and tough situations in our lives almost every day.  Situations will always demand our attention, so we will regularly feel a wide array of emotions. It is at these times, and in these moments, that we need to bring things to God in prayer.


Jesus, You are the healer of souls. You are our comfort at midnight, and the same comfort that guides us by day (Psalm 42:8). Thank You for making Your loving kindness so available to us. We do not need to work for it, neither do we need to strive in our own fear. Your love and grace have already found us (Ephesians 2:8). May we sleep in faith, rest in Your comfort, and act in wisdom – knowing that You are ready and You will complete a good work in us (Philippians 1:6).

Thank You for Your mercy and comfort that pours over me like a waterfall. Guard my heart and mind with Your surpassing peace (Philippians 4:7). In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan


In the midst of changes, you can find comfort in a God who does not change. This seven-day devotional, highlighting nineteen verses of comfort through the Psalms, will help you draw close to God and experience His unfailing love, forgiveness, and restoration.
