Essential Workers in the KingdomSýnishorn

Essential Workers in the Kingdom

DAY 3 OF 3

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the term “essential worker” has entered our collective lexicon and is unlikely to leave anytime soon. Who will be deemed the most essential workers in the Kingdom? Who will hold the positions of highest rank, authority, and honor as we work to serve our King and his Kingdom?

Yesterday, we looked at one answer to this question: those who are obedient to the Lord’s commands. Today, we look at a second answer: those who take on the posture of servants.

In Matthew 20, James and John approach Jesus requesting the highest positions in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus doesn’t rebuke them for their desire to be great. But he does radically redefine what greatness is saying, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:26-28).

I’m a massive fan of the musical, Hamilton. In the show, there’s a terrific song titled Your Obedient Servant in which Alexander Hamilton and his frenemy, Aaron Burr, exchange a series of letters, each one including the salutation, “I have the honor to be your obedient servant.”

Scripture tells us that we will all work in the Kingdom of Heaven, but we will not all share equal jobs, rank, and authority. Who will be the greatest? Obedient servants. Let that truth motivate us all to be of greater service through our work today.

If you’re an entrepreneur, serving might look like being more ambitious for growth, not to serve your bank account, but to provide a living wage for more employees and serve more customers.

If you’re a manager, serving might look like delegating more effectively, allowing others with different skill sets to thrive.

If you’re an employee, freelancer, or “gig worker,” serve with the heart of Christ, eager to do good works for others. 

The world’s definition of “essential worker” will continue to change. But if we are obedient to God’s Word and focused on serving others through the ministry of excellence, we will be blessed with positions of greatness that will never fade away.

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About this Plan

Essential Workers in the Kingdom

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an interesting moment in which who is deemed an “essential worker” has been flipped on its head. As this 3-day plan will show, this flip gives us a beautiful preview of what’s to come in the Kingdom of Heaven, where Jesus promised that some workers will be “great” and others will be “least.”
