Church Volume Two: A 9-Day Devotional by Jesus CultureSýnishorn

Church Volume Two: A 9-Day Devotional by Jesus Culture

DAY 9 OF 9

Freedom Is Coming  -  Bryan Torwalt

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

I remember what I felt in the room as we wrote the simple chorus lyrics to this song, “Woah, Freedom is Coming, I can feel it in the air. Freedom is coming, my deliverer is here.” It was this feeling of anything is possible, because God was showing up, just like He always does for His children. And when God shows up, the sick are healed, the blind see, and the captives are set free!

I love reading through Luke 4, especially the part where it says, “and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a report about him went out through all the surrounding country.” I can imagine that if you were sick, or captive, or desperate for God to do something in your life during that time, you were feeling something stirring in the air. You probably had heard about Jesus and were filled with hope and wonder that you could experience this freedom or healing that everyone was talking about. Shortly after that, He goes into the synagogue and declares the passage in Isaiah 61, “The Spirit of Lord is upon me...” to be about Himself, and that made all the religious people angry. However, if you were living in that time and needed a healer or savior, I bet that you weren’t angry at all, you were doing everything you could to get to Jesus. For one glimpse, for one touch, because deep down you could sense that freedom was in the air; you couldn’t help but believe that your Deliverer was here.

We know the whole story. We know Jesus as our Savior, but I love to read through these scriptures in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61 and remind myself that Jesus came for salvation, freedom, healing, and wholeness. As you read this passage, if there’s any area of your life that you need freedom in, ask Jesus to come into that area and bring His freedom and His grace. God loves to show up for His children.

Dag 8

About this Plan

Church Volume Two: A 9-Day Devotional by Jesus Culture

Jesus Culture Music presents a 9-day devotional plan based on its new album, Church Volume Two. Join Kim Walker-Smith, Bryan Torwalt, Chris McClarney, Chris Quilala, Derek Johnson, Mack Brock and Jake Ithurburn as they share the meanings and verses behind songs on the record.
