Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia LairdSýnishorn

Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia Laird

DAY 5 OF 5

“Hallelujah, when the storm is relentless
Hallelujah, when the battle is endless
In the middle of the in between
In the middle of the questioning
Over every worry, every fear…
Hallelujah Even Here.”

Look, I know there are some valleys and storms that cannot be fixed by reading a five-day devotional. And that’s okay.  We live in a broken world; and until the enemy is locked up for good, we are going to face trials.  But if this week has taught you anything, I hope it’s the fact that you will never face those trials alone.  God loves you more than you could fathom and He’s proven it.  When the enemy tried to steal your life, Jesus stepped in and gave His instead.  Because of that, our hope is eternal and our suffering is temporary.  We can know “that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us" (Romans 8:18), and that someday, our loving Father will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4). 

As you continue on your journey, I want to encourage you to look at David and how he handled suffering.  This was the guy known as “a man after God’s own heart,” loved and blessed by God. But if you read his Psalms, you see him face some seriously dark seasons, including depression, doubt, failure, loss, etc.  

What I love about him is that he knew where to run when those seasons came.  He ran to His Father—sometimes crying, sometimes angry, sometimes confused, but more often than not, he ended his prayers by reminding himself of truth (even when he didn’t feel it) and choosing to put his trust in a God that he knew loved him...  

In the days ahead, I encourage you to read Psalms and learn to cry out to God like David did. Grab a journal and write down who you know God to be and how He has been faithful in the past, and when you feel overwhelmed by what you see around you, look up.  Miracles still happen when we fix our eyes on our Savior and lift our hands in the midst of the storm.

He is worthy of our Hallelujah… Even here. 

With you and love you, 


Dag 4

About this Plan

Hallelujah Even Here: A 5 Day Devotional by Lydia Laird

In this broken world, suffering is no stranger to any of us… You may be facing a storm right now that has you feeling hopeless, but thank God that our feelings do not determine His faithfulness! He sees you. He cares. He’s able. I hope by the end of this devotional, you are reminded where your peace is found as you give Him your “Hallelujah Even Here.” 🖤 -Lydia Laird
