Peace by Piece—Surrendering All That Is Beautifully BrokenSýnishorn

The Pieces of Your Past
How do you feel when you think of your past? Maybe you have a warm, nostalgic memory that brings comfort. Perhaps you are filled with much pain and fear. The hurt and shame are so strong, they almost paralyze you.
We all carry the weight of regret and unhealthy relationships of the past. These uncomfortable memories weigh us down, interfere with our relationship with God, and rob us of peace. This huge piece of our broken hearts must be surrendered.
Sometimes we need to look back only for a short time, deal with the pain properly, let go, and then move on. It’s like a deep flesh wound, friend. If the lesion is not addressed and cleaned appropriately, it will get infected and become more harmful. This is similar to a hurtful life experience. We must not simply ignore the deep ache, or it will only get worse and cause more complications and despair. But if we look back and clean it out the correct way, then you will heal. There may be a scar, but there will be no more pain.
Do you suffer from dark sins or traumatic experiences that are too difficult to bear? Please understand that once you ask God for forgiveness... it’s done! He doesn’t need to be reminded, because His Word says He forgives your sins and throws them away. Please get help and talk to a trusted Christian friend or Godly counselor. We are not meant to go through trials alone. Know that you are deeply valued and chosen for His Kingdom purposes. The Bible is full of imperfect individuals to whom God gave His power, strength, and wisdom, in order to be used by Him.
Your past does not define you! Who you are in Christ defines you! You are forgiven, set free, valued, loved, chosen, and useful! We no longer have to live as slaves to our pasts or old lifestyles. I had walked in much darkness, but the Lord became my light, hope, and salvation. Through complete surrender and the ability to let go, Jesus can break the chains that bind you, too. Once we stop fighting Him, we will have freedom and beautiful peace. Choose to live beautifully broken and accept the gift—Peace by Piece.
We pray this plan was encouraging to find peace in your life. More resources available are found in Peace by Piece—Surrendering All That Is Beautifully Broken by Nicole Drayer:
About this Plan

Are you holding on too tightly to pieces of your life? As a busy wife and ministry leader, Nicole Drayer knows how you feel. Her need for control has only led to anxiety and high stress, rather than God’s peace that she ultimately desired. It is not an easy road, but when the pieces of your life are fully surrendered to God, His peace can reside in your heart.