Encouragement For Bonus MomsSýnishorn

Encouragement For Bonus Moms

DAY 9 OF 9

Be Still 

by Danielle Novotny

Recently, one of my friends said something that really struck deep with me. She said that as a stepmom, you need to realize you're stepping into the line of fire.

Many times over the last few years, I have felt just that. I have been the target, and I have been pulled in different directions. There were times when I was asked to fill many different roles and was asked to help in various conflicts that have occurred. I have found myself frustrated with the times I have given my advice, and it fell on deaf ears. There have been so many things that have just worn me down: the court battles, the tears, the bickering, etc.—it's exhausting.

However, I hold on to the little wins throughout the years.: when my stepdaughter tells me, she loves me or when she is comfortable enough to ask for advice or just randomly hugs me. When her mom thanks me for something or when my husband tells me he appreciates me. Even when my biological daughter stops what she's doing to tell me she loves me or thanks me for being her mom. I hold on to those moments, and I force myself to remember that God has this. We need only to be still, and he will fight our battles. He can mend hearts. Our God CAN work miracles.

So Mamas, when you're in those storms and just seem to be barely making it—remember how much God loves you and how much he wants your family to win. He does see you. He wants good things for you. Lean into Him and find rest. Take time this week and recognize just how good of a job you're doing and let God fight your battles. You are loved, and you matter so much. Keep doing good.

QUESTION TO PONDER: Talk to God about the good things that have happened in your family lately. Ask Him to help you find the good in your life more often and for the grace to let Him work all things out for good in your life. Write down anything that comes to your mind as you pray.

WHAT’S NEXT: Write John 15:5 on your bathroom mirror. Ask God to help you remember that He wants you to stay close to Him and depend on Him for everything you need. He will help you, Mama! You are never alone!

**If you’d like some more practical ways to love your bonus children, join us at  https://helpclubformoms.com/encouragement-for-bonus-moms/

**Would you like more encouragement in your journey as a mom? Join the Help Club for Moms on Facebook, Instagram, or our website helpclubformoms.com.  We hope to see you there!  :)


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About this Plan

Encouragement For Bonus Moms

Mothers are important; we mold the hearts and minds of the next generation. This importance is not only true of birth and adoptive moms but also stepmoms. As a stepmom, you have the God-given potential to make an enormous difference in the lives of your stepchildren. The Help Club believes this is an important ministry given to you by God to show His love to your bonus children.
