Hope in the Hurts - The Rescue Series Sýnishorn

Hope in the Hurts - The Rescue Series

DAY 3 OF 4

Hope and Inheritance

There is hope in the hurts. Not only is there hope, but there is a living hope. How do we have a living hope through a crucified man? This comes through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus had just died on the cross it would not mean much, because two other men were crucified next to Him that day. The fact that He rose again from the grave is what gives us living hope. We are born again knowing that we will rise again into new life in heaven because of the resurrection. 

People are in desperate need of hope and are always searching in different places for it. Maybe in politics or finances. Perhaps hoping for a sunny day or better health. We want to find hope all over the place. I want you to understand that you can have living hope whether your political party won or whether you are on your way to the hospital for chemo treatments. There can still be living hope because of the relationship you have in Jesus Christ. You have something alive in you that gives you hope in the hurts. Dark clouds will pass. You will experience storms in your life, but God is bigger. 

Peter says that in Christ we receive an inheritance that can never disappear or ruin. It is an inheritance you receive because of who you are and not because of what you do. You do not earn an inheritance—you are born into it. So when you choose to put your faith in Jesus, you are born again, given new life with hope, and receive an inheritance from Him. 

The Word of God says that this inheritance you receive is imperishable. It is uncorrupted, which means it is sin-proof. It is unfading and eternal.  Your inheritance from God, found in the salvation of Jesus Christ, will never end. Not even death will end it. You cannot lose your salvation once you have been born again in Jesus Christ. Your inheritance is secure. It is not only secure, but it is eternal in nature because it is kept in heaven for you. 

You are a child of God. You have living hope through any season in life and inherit the riches of Heaven in salvation. Praise the Lord who is good, rich in mercy, and gives you a reason for the hope that you have. 

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