Change A Day, Change Your LifeSýnishorn

Change A Day, Change Your Life

DAY 1 OF 3


God Gives Life In Days

Every day has a beginning and an end. A day is like a miniature life. If we can change our days, we can change our lives. There is a truth found in the Bible: God gives life in days. He gives us our daily bread every day. He blesses us each day. When He sent manna to the people of Israel in the desert, He did so every day, and it was only good for a day.

The average lifespan, in days, is between 20,000 to 30,000 days. God gives us those days one day at a time. He does not give us 10 or 30 days at once. In this devotional, I want to give you ways to make each day count and be worthwhile, no matter what happens. You can make every day a great day. Each one is special, a gift from God for our benefit and enjoyment. When we take each day as a gift, it will turn into a blessing, into what God intended it to be. 

Focusing on today does not mean you should ignore the future. The book of Proverbs, in the Bible, talks about planning for our future; nevertheless, we can only live for today. We cannot live for yesterday; it is impossible; it has already occurred. We cannot live for the future; it is not here yet. The only moment we have is right now, today. 

Have you ever made New Year’s resolutions? Have you set goals for yourself in terms of a month, six months, or a year, and then felt overwhelmed with the prospect of keeping them up for that long? We must change our perspective. Think in terms of today. Asking yourself: Can I walk with God today? Can I exercise today? Can I get past this struggle today? 

This change in perspective changes us. Our psychological and mental capacity are not overwhelmed with the idea that we have to do something for a lifetime. Instead, we can focus on a single day. And when the next day comes, we can remind ourselves, “I just have to get through today.” 

By God’s grace, we can only live one day at a time. Every day, ask yourself: How can I make today count? 

Dag 2

About this Plan

Change A Day, Change Your Life

We cannot live for yesterday, as it has already occurred. We cannot live for the future, because it is not here yet. The only moment in time we have is right now. We only have today. We need to change our perspective and think in terms of, “What can I do today?”. If we can change today, we can change our entire life.
