Lamb of God Sýnishorn

Takes Away
If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, your sin has been taken away. Your sin is removed. It is not covered up; it is forgiven and forgotten.
A holy God must acknowledge sin. We have sinned before an eternal, holy God, yet He makes a way for our restitution. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the Lamb of God. Jesus was not a lamb to cover up sin at a festival, He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Isn’t that an amazing thought, that God takes away your sin through Jesus Christ? This verb of “taking away” means bearing off, getting rid of, or carrying away. Your sins are wiped away. They are gone. What I like best is that “takes away” is a present tense verb with a future force. It is present tense. Jesus immediately takes away your sin when you place your faith and trust in Him. He takes it away. The verb also has a future force, meaning it is compelling us now to be followers of Jesus Christ because He has forgiven our sin.
Since Jesus has forgiven our sin, now righteousness, obedience, and holiness are a part of our new nature. You are given a new nature. You want to follow and respond to Him. You want to know the Bible. You want to worship. You want to trust in Him because He has taken away your sin and placed in you a new heart.
Before I came to Christ, I was really confused. I thought I had to even out the scales by doing more good than bad. “If I can do more good than bad, then God will be pleased,” is what I thought. However, salvation is not about balancing the scales. It is better than that. Jesus takes away your sins and places His righteousness on the scale instead. The scale goes, “Bam!” and it dings on the bottom there because of the weight of His righteousness. He who knew no sin became sin on our behalf so that we who have sinned can become the righteousness of God through Christ.
We make an exchange. The Gospel and our relationship with God is a trade. I give my sin, placed on the Lamb. He dies on the cross, and from the cross, the Lamb of God then gives me righteousness. When I get to Heaven, God looks at me and He sees the righteousness of Christ because of the blood that was shed over my life. It’s not my works. It is not the more good than bad that I do. It is the righteousness of Christ.
About this Plan

Through the Old Testament, we learn that people would take their lambs as a sacrificial offering to cover up their sins. Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. As followers of Christ, if we place our trust and faith in Him, our sins are forgiven and forgotten. We now can live righteously through Jesus!