7 Ways to Renew Your MindSýnishorn

Second Step
Stop believing that you can’t control your thoughts.
The second lie that must be repented of is the belief that you cannot control your thoughts, but rather they control you. This excuse is not Scriptural. When we look at the Bible, we see that it commands us to “think about these things...” (Philippians 4:8) and to “meditate on it day and night” (Joshua 1:8), meaning that we can choose the thoughts we entertain.
We must understand that the mind is a servant either to our spirit or to our flesh.
When our inner man is weak, the mind runs errands for the flesh by thinking negative thoughts. But, when we constantly build our spirit by communion with the Holy Spirit, our mind comes under the influence of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit who lives in us. It is then that we are left with the choice to think godly things or let the mind go with the flow of life.
For example, every country has border patrols to stop people from entering who are not supposed to enter. It is for the protection and safety of the country. In the same way, it's important that you set up "border control" in your mind to stop all thoughts of doubt, fear, and negativity from entering and living in your mind. They only bring harm to your life.
Let's Pray:
Father, thank you for your Holy Spirit. I pray that you will help me be aware of moments when I am entertaining negative thoughts. Help me to think of things of the Spirit so that my inner man may be strengthened.
About this Plan

In Romans 12:2 Apostle Paul said that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of us think that once our life is transformed, then our mind will be renewed. It is the other way around. When we were born, most of us came out into this world, head first. When your mind is changed, your life will be transformed. Remember, where your mind goes, your life follows.