Goodbye, Yesterday!Sýnishorn

Goodbye, Yesterday!

DAY 1 OF 3

Separate, Separate, Separate: The Law of Sanctification

Separation from injustice is righteousness; separation from sin is holiness; separation from distraction is dedication; and separation from indulgence is consecration. Separation can mean being spiritually or emotionally separated rather than physically separated. It can involve the discipline of redirecting your thoughts away from worldly distractions, thereby sanctifying your soul.

Practice holy separation. You can fast food or television intermittently or for a set period of time. This will not only help you be more mindful but will also help you become more God-minded. Separation will empower you to move forward simply by disengaging you from the things that hold you back.

Separate By Leaning on God

While separation is a process of breaking free from distractions, it also means not becoming overly attached to outcomes. When you are attached to a certain result, you direct your focus to what is not working. You become anxious about potentially negative outcomes. This is not faith, but rather is taking things into your own hands and leaning on your limited understanding. Instead, let go and lean on God. Emotionally detach from any preconceived idea of how things should be.

Trust God with the outcome. This leads to the liberty you find when you consecrate yourself to God’s will for your life.

Dag 2