Having Faith That Moves Mountains - a Daily DevotionalSýnishorn

Having Faith That Moves Mountains - a Daily Devotional

DAY 4 OF 5

An exciting discovery   

Jesus promised us that if we had faith just the size of a tiny mustard seed, we could move mountains. Crazy, really! What was He thinking?! 

That kind of promise is hard to get our heads around. Instead, we often respond, “Well, I don’t have that sort of faith. That’s what I want to have, but I just don’t have it and I’ve never been able to get it and…” and we spiral into inadequacy, which just makes things worse.

But what we’re going to discover today is exciting. In fact, it makes my spirit soar. It is, quite simply, this:

Your faith doesn’t have to be perfect and powerful in order to move mountains.

We’ve all probably been through the experience of believing until we’re ready to burst. We grab onto one of the mountains in our lives and we decide to believe we can beat it. It’s hard. We have our ups and our downs. And we wrestle and wrestle and wrestle with it, but at the end of the day… the mountain’s still there. It hasn’t moved. And we think to ourselves, “See, I knew this wasn’t going to work!”

Then we take these Scriptures that speak of the sort of faith that has powerful results – and we strike them out of our Bibles. That’s it, I’m done! Because in our experience, they just don’t work.

Many people I know put their faith in Jesus for forgiveness, for salvation, for eternal life. Those things they can believe in, because, with a bit of luck, they’re a long way off. But they don’t trust Jesus for important things in their day-to-day lives. Perhaps you can see a bit of that happening in your faith journey. 

But faith is not just for eternity. It’s for today, too!

That’s why, next time, we’re going to have a look at perhaps my favorite character when it comes to fumbling, inadequate faith – Abraham from the Old Testament – because this guy was just like you and me. He doubted and he struggled and yet God did mighty things through Him and for Him. 

Because the critical ingredient in all of this is not you, or me, or Abraham. It’s God. 

Moving mountains is not about the size of our faith, it’s about the power and the desire of the One in whom we place our faith!



  • Review Jesus’ words about the faith that moves mountains. Go on, just one more time. Do you believe that He’s telling you the truth? I mean, deep down, in your bones, really believe it?
  • Have you ever attempted to move a mountain in your life, through your faith, the way we talked about today? What happened?
  • Are there some Scriptures that you just refuse to believe? Some that seem too good to be true?
  • What are some practical steps that you can begin to take today to focus your faith not just on the eternal life God promises, but on the here-and-now, ‘rubber-hits-the-road’ decisions of everyday life?


Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Having Faith That Moves Mountains - a Daily Devotional

In difficult times, we know we need faith. We know we want faith. But how can we have the sort of faith that moves mountains? As things turn out, that mountain-moving faith is the only sort of faith that the Bible talks about. So join Author Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to help you discover how you can have the mountain-moving faith that Jesus talked about.
