Falling Deeper in Love With GodSýnishorn

Falling Deeper in Love With God

DAY 6 OF 7


Now let’s read this scripture again, except this time, think: “This is how I can walk in love with others.”  

That might seem impossible, but remember this is supernatural love -- you’re not mustering it up on your own. Romans 5:5 says “the love of God has been poured out in [your heart] by the Holy Spirit.”

This kind of love is not a feeling—it’s a choice. If you’re a Christian, the Bible says God’s love is in you—you have it! 

I once handed this verse to a young woman who had come to my office for counseling about a couple of relationships. I wanted her to see that her relationships could be different if she embraced these truths.

She scanned the page then quickly handed it back saying, “Well, that doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m telling you.” She didn’t accept one word as truth—she rejected the entire idea that love was the answer to her problems.

Don’t let that be you! Instead, believe that this love is flowing to you and through you. Personalize it by saying: “Because God’s love is in me…

I endure long and I’m patient and kind; I’m never envious or boil over with jealousy, I’m not boastful or vainglorious, I don’t display myself haughtily.

I’m not conceited (arrogant or inflated with pride); I’m not rude or unmannerly and I don’t act unbecomingly. I don’t insist on my own rights or my own way, for I’m not self-seeking. I’m not touchy or fretful or resentful; I take no account of the evil done to me [I pay no attention to a suffered wrong].

I do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoice when right and truth prevail.

I bear up under anything and everything that comes, am ever ready to believe the best of every person, my hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and I endure everything [without weakening].

I never fail...

Just imagine living like this! You’d never be hurt or offended because you’re not keeping track—you’re not selfish or fretful; you’re always believing the best of everyone. You could bear up under anything and everything that comes! Living a life full of God’s love is a life of peace and freedom, and brings you closer to Him. 


Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

Falling Deeper in Love With God

The deepest cry of the human heart is to have close, powerful, loving relationship with Almighty God. That can’t happen unless we have a deeper revelation of His great, amazing love for each of us. He loves you! Let these seven lessons help reveal that to your heart and mind in a new way, so that His deep love for you can revolutionize your life in every way.
