Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and PrayerSýnishorn

Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

DAY 5 OF 21

In Genesis 28, Jacob was on the run from his brother Esau. After deceiving his brother and messing up his life, their mother sent Jacob away to preserve his life. Jacob was alone, uncertain of the future, and feeling a turmoil of emotions. It was in this anxious state that Jacob fell asleep at Bethel and received a vision for his future. When he awoke, he realized that He was in the house of God, and had entered into an atmosphere of faith and favor from God!

God’s house is where His presence dwells. There was nothing magical about Bethel, the place where Jacob lay down to rest; it was the presence of God that made all the difference. Today, you can host the presence of God at home, at school or in your workplace! Take a moment to worship or pray; find other Christians and seek God together; invite God to dwell in the place you’re in, and get ready to encounter Him!

We find all we need in the house of God. At Bethel, Jacob heard God’s voice, had his perspective renewed, and experienced the power of God. Everything had changed because of a moment in the house of God! You too can find all you need in His presence - strength, encouragement, direction, power to live a godly life. Don’t go seeking in other places to find the things you need - you can receive them all in God’s house!

The place to experience an Open Heaven is in God’s house, where His presence dwells, and with other believers. Don’t delay - come just as you are, make time to draw near to God, and have faith that you can receive all that God has promised you.

Right now, make the place you’re in God’s house. Worship, pray and invite His presence to surround you.

What do you need from God? Everything can be found in His house, so get into His presence and ask God to supply you with these things.

Dear God, thank You for placing me in Your house. I commit to taking steps to draw near to the place where You dwell. Help me to love Your people just as You love me! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Dag 4Dag 6

About this Plan

Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

We invite you on a 21-day journey towards an Open Heaven with this devotional plan. God desires for us to lead a life of purpose, victory and abundance. This plan by Victory Family Centre Singapore will take you through 21 days of seeking Him and seeing an Open Heaven over your life.
