An Intentional Faith by Allen JacksonSýnishorn

An Intentional Faith by Allen Jackson

DAY 7 OF 10

I heard a comedian on late-night TV say he had learned the secret to happiness: let go of anger. He said when you hold on to anger, it puts you and them in a cage. But while you are angry, the person you are angry at is dancing. Forgiveness will unlock the cage. I never expected spiritual counsel from late-night talk shows, but I found some. As this comedian spoke about releasing people from his anger, he gave the distinct impression that he hadn’t just set others free, but he’d also set himself free. Free from what? From anger, bitterness, self-criticism, and self-doubt so many of us carry with us. His heart was light. He was comfortable with who he was and the criticisms he received from others. . . .

If you let go of your anger and bitterness, if you extend forgiveness in humility and seek forgiveness from those you’ve hurt, you’ll begin to walk in new freedom. You’ll begin to experience the rewards of a life without bitterness, resentment, and anger. . . .

But if you’re locked in bitterness and anger, how do you cultivate an attitude of forgiveness? Consider these steps:

• Think of a person who’s hurt you, someone who makes you seethe with anger when you imagine their face. Take a deep breath and speak forgiveness to that person, out loud. If it has been a long-standing hurt, you may need to repeat your declaration of forgiveness for several days. Your feelings will follow the expression of your will.

• Formulate a one-sentence prayer to whisper each time someone hurts you, such as, Lord, teach me to forgive them as you’ve forgiven me.

• Each day, examine your heart and ask yourself, "Is there anyone I need to forgive or seek forgiveness from today?"

Begin to cultivate a life of forgiveness. The rewards are remarkable. You will live with less anger, less bitterness, and less anxiety. You will begin to hear from God in new ways. Every day, take a few moments to thank God for the ways he has watched over you. His goodness defines our lives, even when the current path is through a deeply shadowed valley. 

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