Unwavering Trust In God - 10-Day DevotionalSýnishorn

Unwavering Trust In God - 10-Day Devotional

DAY 7 OF 10

Writing a Covenant as a Family

When we began building the house, we wrote a covenant in which we all agreed to seek God for what He wanted to do in that project. Remembering the four of us sitting around the table, praying together and writing that covenant—brings back one of my most special memories. I still have the original covenant, framed and hanging on the wall as a reminder of God's faithfulness. Little did I know how significant that covenant and the details it contained was going to be. 

At the bottom of our covenant, after the specific details, we wrote. "We bind satan and any demonic spirits—especially discouragement, doubts, fear, confusion, and reasoning—from any interference or harassment. The house will be debt-free financially and from any other obligation, except love... Kingdom living will reign continually at this site, and total freedom will result for all concerned. All glory, honor, and praise be to the Lord. Your Word says where two or more agree on anything in the name of Jesus, it shall be done. Lord, we put You in remembrance of Your Word."

The journal I kept became invaluable. I knew the time would come  when I would have a hard time remembering — and even believing — some of the miracles if they had not been recorded regularly as they happened. Each provision had been unique and so overwhelmingly amazing. Many of the miracles are recorded in the book, "Those Who Trust the Lord Shall Not Be Disappointed". We even received provisions that were in abundance, above and beyond building the home that occurred once we moved in, too numerous to mention here.  

We prayed that every single person who set foot in the family room would be saved, healed, and delivered, and God evidently took that prayer seriously, judging by how many lives were set free during those years. 

Pray Out Loud:

Lord, I want to develop trust like never before in You, and in Your Word. Help me to say in faith without doubt, "Lord, in this particular situation, (name it) I am trusting You and I won't be disappointed." In Jesus' name. Amen


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About this Plan

Unwavering Trust In God - 10-Day Devotional

We trust God with our eternal life, but do we trust Him with our daily life? Deep down we often direct our disappointments toward God, thinking somehow, He let us down. Trust is a decision, not a feeling! Trust begins by making an irrevocable decision to believe God's Word. Find out how to have unwavering trust in God so you can live an overcoming life in Christ.
