How Should I Pray?Sýnishorn

How Should I Pray?

DAY 2 OF 5

Day #2: How to Pray – (Part 1 – The Foundation)

The disciples witnessed that prayer was a significant foundational part of Jesus’ life. They came to Him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray…”. Then Matthew 6:5-8 teaches us that prayer should be personal and not for an audience so that our motivation is pure. The impetus for prayer should be our ongoing relationship with God, who is our Father, Creator and Sustainer. These are powerful reasons to pray.

We have “The Lord’s Prayer” to serve as a model. Let us learn from His Word together.

1) “This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father…” 

First things first! Acknowledge that our prayers are to God THE Father and to God OUR Father. He is THE Father of all that has been created and yet He is OUR Father. Jesus is making it clear here that we are part of His family, and, as children, we can come to our loving Father like a good and loving Dad. 

2) “…which art in heaven, hallowed be Your name.”

We need to recognize that we are praying to the infinite and sovereign God of the Universe. This is not a casual position but one involving an internal bowing down of ourselves as we align with His holiness. We must enter prayer with an attitude acknowledging Him as being holy, consecrated, worthy of praise, honor and glory 

3) “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Don’t know about you but I have a will, usually for self and for gain. We all are selfish. But God has a will that none should perish, but all would come unto repentance which leads to eternal life. Jesus exemplified the spirit of yielding to the Father, His Father, Our Father. He said “…Not my will but Thine be done”. This is our example to pray for, and in accordance with, His will being done on this earth as it is in heaven. His will for our living the kingdom of heaven on this earth is clearly spelled out in our ‘Owner’s Manual”, His Word.

When you pray, do you pray to YOUR personal heavenly Father who is good and holy? Do you pray for His will His way? Or your will your way?

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About this Plan

How Should I Pray?

How are we to pray to an almighty and all knowing God? Jesus taught His disciples how to pray when they asked Him the same question. There is much we can learn from His example and teaching.
