This Is How We Build A NationSýnishorn

This Is How We Build A Nation

DAY 10 OF 10

Building a Church, to Build a Nation.

Do you believe you can make a difference? What role do you see the church playing in society? We believe that through building the church, we can help to build the nation. We believe that God wants to use His church to impact the nations. When a nation prospers, so too will the people in the nation (Jeremiah 29:7).

Fervent prayer, wholehearted unity and extravagant generosity are the hallmarks of any great move of God. If we’re going to see God move in our lives, our families, our communities and in our nation, we will need to unite and start praying like never before. In order to see a nation changed we'll have to start living with extravagant generosity. 

‘Giving is always connected to my heart and vision’ Phil Dooley (Lead Pastor Hillsong Church South Africa). 

When God moves, things happen. In the book of Acts we see God move mightily through miraculous signs and wonder. The people grew together spiritually, building a community unified in prayer and willing to be selfless to help build the lives of OTHERS. The fruit of this was a growing number of salvations daily. When God moves, hearts are always turned to Jesus.

The early church was committed to generosity because they understood the value of their contribution and they could see the impact the church was having in their cities. Do you sometimes doubt if your contribution makes a difference?

The Macedonian church was desperate to be a part of what God was doing. They didn't have much, but they gave from what they had, understanding that together, they can do something great for God. Building a church, that will help build a nation, will require each one of us to live generously.

Generosity flow from unity of vision and committed prayer. Generosity means that I'm generous with my finances, my words, my actions and my behaviour, knowing that I can play a part in making a difference. How grateful are we for the opportunity to partner with God? We get to play our part in seeing His Kingdom come and His will be done on the earth.

In 2019, Brian Houston (Global senior pastor of Hillsong Church), wrote a faith decree for the church. Write it down where you can see it every day, and declare this over your life.

‘I am a child of God, made in His image and committed to His cause – This year, I want Christ’s selfless nature to frame my life and be my guide – I recognize God’s extravagant generosity towards me and I desire to reflect His generosity in all that I do – This year will be a year of breakthrough, favour and blessing as I commit to living my life extravagantly generous – I will be generous towards God, towards my church, towards the people I love and towards the people who need my generosity the most – I believe financial revival is in the air!” – Brian Houston

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About this Plan

This Is How We Build A Nation

We believe that we can build church in a way that helps build the nation. Join us as we focus on PRAYER, UNITY and GENEROSITY – believing for God to do something significant in your life, in your city and in the nation.
