Jesus Is LifeSýnishorn

Jesus Is Life

DAY 25 OF 25

Believe Jesus

At the end of John 4, we observe a compassionate miracle of Jesus. A royal official was in a desperate place as his son had fallen ill. He begged Jesus to go and heal him. The man’s primary yearning was for healing, but Jesus’ primary desire was the man’s faith in Him.

Jesus told the father to go home because his son would live, and the man showed real faith and trust in Jesus. The man believed the word Jesus spoke and immediately went home to a recovering son. What a great miracle! Christ uses miracles to reveal His identity and glory and to increase our faith.

Have you ever prayed for a miracle like the man in the story? Maybe a loved one was sick, and you desperately prayed for healing. Maybe your marriage was falling apart and you begged God to restore it. Maybe you’re in the middle of praying for someone you love to come to know Christ.

Just like this official, we all have times when we cry out for a miracle. When these times come, pray, trust, and believe, even when you don’t see any hope. Hold onto God. Know that he is with you and goes before you.

What are you believing for today? Believe Jesus! Don’t waver in your confidence that He is good! Embrace the assurance that He hears your prayers and cares for you. Remember that prayer is powerful. The answer may not always be what you expect, but it always brings us closer to God.

Philippians 4:6-7 NIV says: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

No matter what you face today, give it to God. Allow His peace to flood your hearts, trusting that His purpose is always greater than our plans.


What does this particular miracle teach us about Jesus? Try to think of as many answers as you can.

What are some ways you can increase your faith, like the father in today’s Scripture?

What is something you’re asking God for today? Bring it to Him expectantly.


God of Wonders, just as the government official believed before he had sight, I will also take You at Your Word and trust You completely. Increase my faith to believe when I do not see. Surround me with Your peace that surpasses all my understanding. I love You, Father! I want to trust You fully! I am blessed in every way because You are with me!

Thank you for joining us in this study of John 1-4! We hope your connection with God is deeper and that your understanding of Christ and His love for you resonates like never before. Take time to review your Jesus Is … list and share with your friends and family what God has spoken to you through this journey.

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About this Plan

Jesus Is Life

We truly can experience the abundant, full life that Jesus gives! Our goal for Jesus Is Life is to grow deeper in our faith, trust, and love for Christ Jesus, our Savior. In this 25-day Bible Plan from Amy Groeschel and Life.Church Sisters, we’ll explore the first four chapters in the book of John to discover that Jesus is life—and that truth changes everything.
