

DAY 5 OF 5


There are times in your life when everything seems to be against you. You inevitably feel like the underdog. All the forces in the world oppose you. It reminds me of Rocky when he was going to fight Apollo Creed. He was the underdog. And that was certainly the case of Joseph, the son Jacob. From early in his life, he faced strong opposition.

First, his brothers were jealous of him. They didn’t like him. In fact, they bullied him. They even conspired and plotted against his life. After thinking about it, they decided not to kill him, but to sell him as a slave. 

After being sold as a slave in Egypt and working for his master Potiphar, he was falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit. As a matter of fact, it was his integrity that got him in trouble. Just when things were starting to pick up for him, his master’s wife sent him to prison. 

Finally, while in prison, he earned the favor of the prison warden. He interpreted the favorable dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer, but the latter completely forgot about Joseph and his petition to be freed. But two full years later, when Pharaoh had a disturbing dream himself that no one could interpret, Joseph was called in. And the rest is history. He became second in command in the most powerful empire on Earth and he became God’s instrument to save the lives of his family and the nation of Israel.

His secret? God was with him: in the desert, in Potiphar’s home, in prison, in times of hunger, God was with him. And this faithful underdog decided to trust God, wait on Him and rely upon His strength. In the end, God orchestrated a powerful display of  redemption through an underdog. He will do the same in your life. So, trust Him even if those dark years seem endless. He will come through!

Dag 4

About this Plan


At some point in our lives, we've all been underdogs. We've felt there's somebody out there more qualified; somebody more knowledgeable, experienced, skillful, or capable. Did you know, however, that feeling unqualified to fulfill your calling in life—as a spouse, leader or follower of Christ—actually puts you in the best position to be used by God? In this 5-day devotional, you'll experience the stories of many underdogs in the Bible.
