Create In MeSýnishorn

Create In Me

DAY 4 OF 6

DAY 4: Create in me a New Song 

Creativity is often found in places of restoration and redemption. 

Most of us live life not knowing what we are capable of and who we truly are. Our gifts are hidden under the canopy of what is expected of us. 

For instance – remember the parable of the talents. Jesus has commissioned each one of us with a gift, a talent—in other words your creative spirit – to reach out to the world until He returns.

Most of the time we allow ourselves to just live, instead of living towards a purpose or living for a greater calling. We don't take what we have too seriously. And there's no one to be blamed. The world is constantly trying to shift your focus on what is needed rather than what is necessary

Would you agree with me if I say, using your gift also means you are being obedient to God?

That is quiet a powerful statement. Because obedience is a choice. We choose to obey our parents, knowing the consequences. But you cannot find wisdom in this world outside of obedience. 

And what is on the other side of disobedience if you may ask? Captivity. Every time you run from obedience, you run towards captivity. 

I’ve met a lot of people who know their calling. They know their gifts and purpose, but are captives of this world and the needs it comes with. That puts an inevitable void in their heart which is consumed by their choices with very little lifespan of happiness.

It made me think – why aren’t people obedient to their calling? 

  1. They have misplaced fear – They fear not being able to meet their needs. The fear of stepping into the unknown. The fear of the future.

    1 Samuel 15:24 - Saul said to Samuel, ‘I have sinned; for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.’
  2. Why did Saul obey the people instead of God? Because he feared the people instead of God. He feared the human consequences of obedience more than he feared the divine consequences of sin. He feared the displeasure of the people more than the displeasure of God. And that is a great insult to God. Samuel had said twice to Saul and the people in 1 Samuel 12:14, 24, “Fear the Lord, and serve him faithfully with all your heart.” But now the leader himself has feared man and turned away from following God (1 Samuel 15:11).
    Trust that the God who takes care of the birds in the sky will also take care of your needs and more. 
  3. They have misplaced praise – Obedience requires humility. In today’s times, when it is easy for people to “showcase” their talent and gifts on social media, it is easy to give them, instead of God, all the glory and honor. Obedience requires humility. It is hard to be obedient when you think you need to be rewarded on earth. 

The strength that is required to be obedient is slowly cut down with the need to be rewarded and the desire to be gratified.
Choosing to disobey seeks a name for itself instead of a name for God. 

But here's the good news, God uses everything for Good, including your disobedience. It is because he is a good, good father. 

There is no doubt that God delights in obedience, because the obedience he loves is the obedience of faith. And faith means banking our hope on the mercy of God. And mercy means that our obedience does not have to be perfect; it only has to be penitent. “If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

When you obey God, there is a certain joy that fills your heart. A joy that cannot be contained. Have you ever noticed, when people are in love, the first few days you see them singing to a tune, dancing to a song. It is just so evident! You cannot hide that love. Could you ever be so much in love with Jesus, that every day you wake up and you WANT to sing a new song! 

Your creativity can bring out a new song. By new song, I mean a reason to thank God. To sing out a thank you from your heart in spite of the situation you are in. When you obey God in the midst of adversity – that joy will always create in you a new song!

I started writing when I was very small. I had so much to say and not many around to listen. It was my way of restoring a part of me. Creativity is often found in a place of restoration or redemption.

Our circumstance is not the reason we sing, our Jesus is.

Even through sorrowful waiting and painful trusting, Jesus will be your song. I know that He is mine every single day. And through that joy, I am writing this to you. May you find your song today. 

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

Create In Me

Exploring our creative freedom, enlivened by the gospel – this plan breaks the misconception that only a few are born to be creative. We are created in the image of God hence we inherit his creative nature. As we unravel our nature to create, write, draw, sing or cook – it will lift our eyes to transcendence that goes beyond who we.
