God Of CreationSýnishorn

God Of Creation

DAY 1 OF 11

Prayer: Father, you are the creator of the earth and everything around it. My heart is weak but you are strong. Give me the desire and passion to search your truth so I may know and love you better!

Incredible Creator

Have you ever been stopped in your tracks because you were in awe of the sky? Were you ever filled with amazement and wonder by how something could even exist? If you scroll Instagram and Facebook around sunset you will find so many pictures of the sunset because people find it undeniably beautiful. And as followers of Jesus Christ, we know we have a personal relationship with the Artist behind that beauty! 

God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the most magnificent artist, and the sky is just one of His canvases where He displays His beauty. From sunup to sundown, we can see His creativity and greatness. 

In Scripture, we see God reveal His immensity by tilting up the heads His people to look up. The heavens, sky, and stars reveal God’s glory. It is so easy to forget and doubt how great and beautiful our God is, because we are to focused on what is directly in front of us. God gives us hope through creation, but we have to remember to pause, look, and capture the moment. 

Abraham could not fathom how a child, let alone a nation, would be fathered by him. He could not picture what he could not see. He was honest with God and told Him how he doubted the promise. God gave Abraham hope by pointing him to the stars to remind him that God is great, and will do more than we could even imagine. 

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  1. How often do you pause, look around, and praise God for His creation? 
  2. What are some doubts or fears that you are not admitting to God? 

What’s Next? 

  1. Pick an evening this week when you can sit alone with God under the sky. Share with Him your fears and doubts. Let Him reveal Himself to you through prayer, His word, and His world.
Dag 2

About this Plan

God Of Creation

God chooses to reveal himself to humanity through both his word and his world. The skies declare his glory and the ground produces life only by his grace. Over the course of 11 days, we will examine scripture that illustrates the Immensity, Intelligence, Intricacy, and Intimacy of our Creator!
