The Mountain Equips You For The ValleySýnishorn

The Mountain Equips You For The Valley

DAY 5 OF 5

The Mountain Experience Will Transform Us

While on earth Jesus made a statement to his disciples that rattles my mind every time I read it, He said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”- John 14:12. When I look at Jesus’ life and the many miracles he performed such as, turning water into wine, feeding the multitudes with minimal food, calming the raging storm with just a spoken word, delivering the demon-possessed, raising the dead, paying taxes from monies found in a fish mouth, and walking on water only to list a few. I wonder what Jesus meant by we will do greater things; in my mind, there is nothing greater than what he did. But, if he said it, why should I doubt him – he is God after all! 

Jesus left his abode on high (the mountain) to dwell with us on earth (the valley) not just to show us what to do by following a pattern, but he came to bring heaven (the mountain experience) to our earth (the valley). Jesus came intending to have heaven invade earth, and he was letting us into the secret of the kingdom by partnering with us to expand the kingdom long after he was gone. He used his solitary times with God the Father to stay aligned with heaven’s agenda due to his limited time on earth to accomplish his mission by introducing the kingdom of God to us and then partnering with us to keep the kingdom increasing. 

One of the most famous men in the Old Testament is Moses, and most of Moses’ experiences surrounded mountains. Moses would often meet with God on the mountain to get his instructions, to spend time in his presence and to be empowered for his task at hand – leading people in the wilderness (valley). Moses did many miraculous signs and wonders all because he spent time with God in a solitary place. At the foot of the mountain is where Moses saw the burning bush and heard the voice of the Lord – it was his first mountain experience. It was on the mountain that God instructed Moses how the people should approach him, and it was on the mountain Moses received the Ten Commandments. Moses’ experience with God on the mountain would cause his face to change from regular to shining with the glory of God, and all could see the transformation.

When we come away from all the hustle, bustle and noise then we to will be transformed because, like Moses, we get to hear God’s heart, voice and instructions for life in the valley. Like Moses we too will be transformed by God’s words and his glory will be seen on us by others, we to can manifest the glory of God in the earth to all those around us expanding the kingdom of God and doing greater things like Jesus said we would. 

As we come to the end of this plan, I want to remind you:

The mountain experience develops in us:

· The Practicing of God’s presence

· Maturity of Christ in us

· The manifestation of the glory of God whereby we expand the kingdom

· Transformation

Remember: The mountain equips you for the valley!

Dag 4

About this Plan

The Mountain Equips You For The Valley

Life is filled with ups, downs, heartaches, chaos, etc. As a believer, we have been given something that will equip us to live life in this natural realm successfully, which is the Presence of God. However, finding that “mountain time” with the Lord is difficult as life seems to get busier. This plan will guide you on why it is vital to make your alone time with God priority.
