A Desert TransformedSýnishorn

A Desert Transformed

DAY 5 OF 7

From Despair to Joy

Are you feeling weary today? May you know the Father wrapping you with His love and tending you with loving kindness. 

In Luke chapter 8 we read the story of a woman with long-term illness who was healed by Jesus. Chronic illness is one of the most debilitating things we can ever contend with. It makes life a battle to endure rather than a joyful adventure. Psalm 42:3 describes it graphically: 

“My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’”

Are you in a desert of hopelessness today?

Remember, Jesus is our living hope and always desires to turn around the impossible and pour joy into our lives. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

Like the woman in Luke’s gospel, when all hope seems to be stripped away, God prompts us to throw ourselves on His mercy. Prior to this, there is no mention in Scripture of someone being healed by touching Jesus’ robe, so what gave her this idea? I believe it was divine revelation through the Holy Spirit. When we consciously enter God’s presence and open ourselves to His voice, true hope is born. 

She chose to act on His prompting, pushed her fears and pain aside and began to press forward through the crowd. The Bible says that “when she touched the edge of His cloak her bleeding immediately stopped.” How incredible!

Jesus never leaves us in our brokenness. It can be scary to make ourselves vulnerable and to admit that we have needs. But Jesus loves us too much to let us stay hidden. Listen for His call of love. Come out from your hiding place. The woman was transformed by Jesus’ choice to love her into wholeness. Let Him love you into wholeness too.

Pray with me…

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the hope you offer me. Thank you that with your help I can find new strength to press through all the obstacles and reach out to you with my need. Thank you that you are so willing to answer in ways that are beyond what I can ever imagine. Thank you that you always love me into wholeness. Lord, here I am. Amen.

Dag 4Dag 6

About this Plan

A Desert Transformed

At times areas of our lives are like a wilderness: grief, loss of hope, rejection all play their part. But during these times, God loves to come alongside with His deep compassion and love. The Bible is full of stories of how God brought wonderful transformation in people’s lives. Father God can do the same today, to bring joy to your wilderness and transform your desert into a living stream.
