Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria GaynorSýnishorn

Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria Gaynor

DAY 6 OF 10

Singin’ Over Me

I love singing. It’s my go to thing to do to lift my spirit, to celebrate good things happening to me or someone I care about and to express whatever happens to be on my mind at any given moment. It’s my outlet that helps me to make it through the toughest of times and to commemorate all of the notable times in my life. Music has always been a mainstay in my family and in my life. Happy songs, sad songs, funny songs and romantic songs have all punctuated my life. I suspect I’m not alone in that. When I read in the Word how we’re admonished to sing to the Lord (1 Chr. 16:9; 20:21; 29:30; and numerous times in the Psalms) and about angels singing before the Lord, I recognize how important singing is to the Lord. I have observed that a baby loves the sound of his mother singing whether her voice is pleasant to anyone else or not. In the same way, I believe our voices singing praise and worship to the Lord is pleasant to Him, no matter how others feel about our voices. 

The Word encourages us to enter His gates with thanksgiving and to enter His courts with praise (Ps. 100:4). The easiest and most pleasant way to do that is by singing the hundreds, maybe thousands, of songs written for just that purpose. We are encouraged to do this because He deserves all our praise and thanksgiving. God doesn’t need our praise or thanksgiving, but when we give it to Him it reminds us who our Father is, how powerful our Father is and how merciful He is. We remember how gracious He is, how giving He is, how patient He is and how loving He is. It should make us feel safe, secure, at peace and incredibly loved and blessed. Rejoicing should come ever so easy. When we count our blessings, just having God as our heavenly Father, our comfort, guide, guard and governor makes us richer than we could ever have imagined or than money or things could ever make us. When I think of all this I realize that I am truly blessed beyond measure. Joy lives in my heart and I have only to tap into it whenever I want to, especially when I remember His “Singin' Over Me.” 

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