Defiant Joy: A Study On PhilippiansSýnishorn

Defiant Joy: A Study On Philippians

DAY 1 OF 10


Are we Christians known for our joy? 

According to research conducted by organizations like The Barna Group, Christians are known for being judgmental, hypocritical, and out of touch, but not for being joyful. It’s important to consider why.

One reason is that we have gotten better at putting on an appearance of joy than actually cultivating the real thing. We paint on cheerfulness thinking it will get the job done, but it doesn’t truly satisfy us and the world sees right through it. 

Thankfully, we have Philippians which is a master class in true, abiding freedom and joy. It doesn’t make sense that Paul, a man in prison facing certain death, abandoned by friends, and in the darkest moment of his life is FULL OF JOY. None of it makes sense. But one thing is for sure: he was known for his joy.  

Philippians holds the key to standing out in the world, not with a mask of cheerfulness but with a sincere heart of joy. In this short letter we get underneath the Christian veneer to understand two life-changing truths:

1.  Joy is our inheritance. God isn’t looking down pressuring us to put on a good face for His reputation’s sake. Instead, God loves us and joy is something He desperately wants us to have. For God, joy is not a strict standard we must meet, but a generous gift we get to accept.

2. Joy is our witness. Our joy is not simply for us. It’s something we are meant to share and proclaim. 

Historical and biblical background:

The City of Philippi:

• Located in modern day Greece

• Paul LOVED the Philippian church. 

This church was launched by women. We are going to return to this topic on a later day, but it’s one of my favorite fun facts about this church!

Paul’s Imprisonment:

• Paul was most likely under house arrest. The fact that he was able to write this letter meant his imprisonment was less severe (during this imprisonment he also wrote Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon).

• He was probably tethered to a prison guard at all times. 

• He had been arrested for political reasons and was awaiting his trial.

Reason for Writing:

• He was writing to comfort his friends.

• He was also writing as an appeal for unity, since there had been some reports of false teaching and unrest.

There you have it: a bird’s eye view of Philippians. Paul’s circumstances were dire, to say the least, which is what makes this letter so remarkable. It is absolutely brimming with joy. In the days ahead, we will discover why!


Dag 2

About this Plan

Defiant Joy: A Study On Philippians

Paul, a man in prison facing certain death, abandoned by friends and in the darkest moment of his life is FULL OF JOY. Philippians holds the key to standing out in the world, not with a mask of cheerfulness, but with a sincere heart of joy.
