My Heart Has Been RestoredSýnishorn

My Heart Has Been Restored

DAY 7 OF 7

The last few weeks of my life have been so amazing as God builds a relationship between me and my estranged relative. Sometimes I lay in bed awake at night just full of gratitude and praise to the God who rebuilds, repairs, and restores. If you could see my face right now, you would see the smile of the happiest man on earth. 

It just so happens that we share a similar hobby in video games, so we have been using that as a way to have fun together since we live 1200 miles apart. Recently, we have been playing this very popular game where people can get together online and build whatever their hearts desire! It is so much fun, and it fills me with joy as I see the amazing creations that she comes up with.

It was while lying in bed last night thinking about God’s miracles that I thought of today’s verse, and others like it. Just like we are building a little universe within the digital confines of our video game kingdom, God is building – and RE-building – His creation EVERY SINGLE DAY! While God is the one who does the building, He usually uses His people as vessels to do the actual work. 

So, for today, take a look around you. Is there something broken in your life, or in the lives of those you encounter in life’s journey? Sometimes all it takes is a simple word of encouragement to spark the restoration process in someone’s life. God has called YOU to be a Repairer of Broken Walls. If you allow His power to work in you, there is absolutely no limit to what He can accomplish through you.


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About this Plan

My Heart Has Been Restored

God has limitless power to restore ANYTHING that may seem broken, hopeless, or impossible to repair. Sometimes all we have to do is wait on His redemption as we pray through our situation – even when it hurts. Without God we have no power to redeem ANYTHING. God is THE source of redemption. This plan has been inspired by God's restoration of my relationship with my daughter.
