Beyond Happy: Discovering Joy In Unexpected PlacesSýnishorn

Beyond Happy: Discovering Joy In Unexpected Places

DAY 4 OF 7

Finding Joy in Generosity 

Bonnie is a single mom of three boys.

She works part time while going to school, and the boys do what they can to pitch in. Money is tight. Resources are limited. But Bonnie is incredibly generous. She gives sacrificially to friends—and even strangers—in need, never thinking that anything she has is her own. She exudes joy in meeting the needs of others.

When you hear the word “generosity,” what’s the first image that comes to mind? 

You probably thought of money and that wouldn’t be wrong. But to find joy in generosity, you also have to look beyond just reaching into your wallet. Finding joy in generosity means acknowledging that you are a steward of all that God’s entrusted to you—time, skills, knowledge, and talent as well as money. 

A steward is simply a manager; you’re a manager of God’s things. He hands out good gifts, but it’s easy to forget that managers we are simply looking after them. Instead we tend to think of success as a “self-made” status, when in fact it all comes from God’s hand. 

Reclaiming joy in generosity looks different for each person. Here are just a few ways Jesus calls people into generosity:

  • Jesus has called some to follow the example of the rich young ruler in Mark 10:17-22, instructing them to sell possessions and give to the poor. 
  • Jesus has called some to be generous with time, sacrificing a Sunday of relaxation to serve in church. 
  • Jesus has called some to be generous with influence, advocating for those who are less powerful. 
  • Jesus has called some to be generous with talents, using practical skills to help others.

By using the things God’s entrusted to you to honor and serve Him, you’re ultimately worshipping Him. That is true joy!

Things to Ponder: 

  • What do you think of when you hear the word “generosity”?
  • Name one or two things God has given you to steward.
  • How can you be generous with your time, money or talents this week?



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About this Plan

Beyond Happy: Discovering Joy In Unexpected Places

The world tells us there are plenty of paths to happiness. And sometimes an inward part of us reasons that by getting exactly what we want, we’ll truly be happy. But what if God didn’t design you for happiness? What if He designed you for joy? In this 7-day devotional, see what it looks like to move beyond happiness and discover joy in unexpected places.
