7 Keys To Experience Divine AccelerationSýnishorn

7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

DAY 4 OF 7

You are a child of honor!

Have you ever felt unworthy or rejected?

The Bible tells us the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man healed by Jesus. Bartimaeus literally means “son of honor,” and yet, his life was far from being filled with honor. He was born blind during an era when it was extremely difficult to be blind. Bartimaeus spent his life begging, waiting for the generosity of passersby.

But a simple encounter with Jesus was enough to awaken his faith! There, Jesus, in addition to encouraging him and giving him his sight, restored his honor. Bartimaeus experienced an acceleration in blessing.

Like Bartimaeus, we are sons and daughters of honor, even if our lives or behavior have often been far from honorable. And like for Bartimaeus, God comes to pick us up out of the dust to seat us among the great. We can share this honor that God bestows upon us with those around us.

Honoring is celebrating and magnifying the things I admire in others. It’s respecting and accepting them for who they are and showing them who they can become, thanks to God.

Today, you have the opportunity to apply what the Bible teaches:

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” (see Ephesians 4:29)

So, the fourth key to divine acceleration is...honoring others! I encourage you to start applying this today. :-)

I pray your day is beautiful and full of His life!

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

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About this Plan

7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

This week, we’re going to see together how to experience divine acceleration. When God accelerates things in our lives, it’s to bring us further, cause us to enter into His plan. Over the next several days, we will discover the behaviors and attitudes that facilitate acceleration. I hope that you will be blessed throughout these days!
