Grit & Grace: 5-Day Devos For Moms Of Young KidsSýnishorn

Grit & Grace: 5-Day Devos For Moms Of Young Kids

DAY 5 OF 5

Arrows in the Quiver

My father is number 5 of 8 children. Of those 8, 6 had children of their own; I am number 13 of 24. And we 24 are doing our part to increase the human population too, with nearly 50 kids and counting among us.

I remember all of us grandchildren visiting my grandpa’s house one year. We decorated little sticks that we made into arrows and placed in a homemade quiver to display above the mantle in my grandparents’ home. With it was the verse from Psalm 127:3-5: “Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”

Before having children I didn’t really understand this verse. The one where children are compared to arrows. I thought it odd that kids would be used as a weapon. Sure, it made sense that children are a heritage or a blessing. And it definitely makes sense that children are a reward. I mean, I feel like I hit the jackpot when God made me a mom. But why are they to be arrows? And am I the warrior?

The quick answer: Yes, as the parent I am the warrior, and they are arrows to fight against the evil in this world.

As mothers, we are the first people to teach our children what love looks like. Children learn in our home how to love Jesus. They learn about kindness, gentleness, working with others, and all the things necessary to be functioning members of society. And how, do they learn these things? They will learn best when they see us loving Jesus. When they watch us display kindness and gentleness toward others, they learn how to be gracious and compassionate.

As we step out in obedient faith, following God’s lead, our children gain wisdom and courage to follow God too. As moms, we are their first models of what it means to follow God. They are watching. They are learning. And as they learn, they strengthen as arrows.

One day these children will be adults in a world that desperately needs truth. A world that needs compassion. A world that above all needs Jesus. When we model godly living, our children pick up on it and are more prepared to one day do the same.


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If you’ve enjoyed these devotions from Grit and Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms by Suzanne Hadley Gosselin and Gretta Kennedy and would like to discover more of God’s purpose and plan for you and your children, visit: 


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About this Plan

Grit & Grace: 5-Day Devos For Moms Of Young Kids

Refreshing devotions for weary mamas who find themselves in need of truth and encouragement! These devotions are aimed to help a mom find her identity in Christ as she faces the challenges, surprises and joys of caring for young children. No need for her to compare herself to the supermoms around her; God has recruited her for her kids and He has big plans for her!
